Monday, February 22, 2010

Organize your bedroom

The bedroom can lead to a lot of things that do not go anywhere else when you're not careful. Many people use their bedrooms for things that do not want to be hidden around the house. It acts like a real cave for storing extra blankets, outside the linen closet, old photos are waiting for manuals electronics, extra socks on their colleagues, magazines and catalogs, half-packed suitcase and a list countless other things that one. Accumulate

Sometimes, as an impossible task, your room clean. Where do you see things, not to go anywhere? This is a problem for many people. Here we will discuss some options for saving and deleting all that junk more.

Help the pile of waste to categorize you. Separated into paper bags, cardboard boxes, laundry baskets, or simply disconnect the battery on the bed. Start with the largest items first. If you have a pile of coats, hang inSpare bedroom or are trying to allow them into the room from now on.

The shoes should have a special area in the bottom of the cabinet. If you are used to store photo albums and the stack of books in your closet, then you must move to another area that is not so much. If you also contribute to your rack for storage, or to invest in a cedar chest or two of care for the little things. Get all your laundry done at once and throw away all those socks that do notno companions. If you believe that my colleagues seem, then only a small basket on a shelf cabinet for stockings parts. Add to it, if necessary, and pass through them once a month. This will help you determine the socks should go.

Bills, junk mail, receipts, magazines and catalogs are shared objects to be mounted on a bedroom dresser or a desk. Take them all and organize. Just keep catalogs for places that do not shop online. Magazines can be recycled ordonated to a doctor's office or in the lobby of the hospital. If indeed, as some of the elements, you go through and cut out. You can scan your computer and keep a file or a tape on paper notebook and start a three ring binder interesting and informative articles. If, while reading in bed, holding a magazine rack nearby. Keep the glue, scissors and tape in the magazine and rack. Get in the habit of cutting the items you want to keep.

Make a special tray of bills and invest in aShredder. Ask a question about the crushing pay each invoice. Organize your clothing and keep them clean with wooden hangers in the room. Put the least possible drawers in your closet so they become stuffed and turned into piles of laundry. Once your closet, dresser and coffee tables, desks and chairs are free of clutter, it's up to you to keep it that way. Identify "hot spots" and find a solution to the dilemma of stacking.

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