Thursday, April 15, 2010

Lullabies, half adventure Jemi

Lullabies, a Jemi story and a half, "I'll call you tomorrow." Joe promised, as we stood in front of my house. I nodded and took her hand in mine, "Thanks Joe for me, was beautiful." Joe shook my hand in his and stroked my cheek with the back of my hand, still well packed. "I love you, Demi . I know that was not perfect, but I swear I'll take you to the very first kiss as you want. "My smile grew as he spoke, and I threw her arms around his neck, pulls ina kiss. Apparently surprised by my actions, it took a moment before she returned the kiss and wrapped his arms around my waist. ".. .. .. You are so sweet." I breathed between kisses. Joe chuckled softly and pressed his lips on mine again. "Hmm, I'm interuppting?" I immediately pulled away from Joe, her arms around my left hip. "Dad." I said nervously. He stepped aside and showed me into the house, I made a Joe "I'm sorry" to consider before rushing through the door. Ihuddled near the bottom of the stairs hard to hear the conversation. "Do not hurt her, right?" My father asked, his voice harsh. "Of course not." Joe replied immediately: "I love you, sir." It 'was a brief pause before my father spoke again: "I know you will, my son, and I trust you, but she's been through a lot with her mother and everything." My father's voice was heavy with pain as he remembered his wife. I did not know much about them except that he died in a race hit, andAccident ...

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