Friday, September 17, 2010

D is for Disobeying!!

Hey people sorry for not posting this on New Years Day. But here it is!! ===================================================================== D is for Disobeying!! Emily: okay, I'll cover for you. Selena: YAY!! *hugs her* I love you sis. Emily: You better after what I'm gonna get in trouble for... Selena: *puppy-dog face* Emily: You know I can never win when you do that!! Selena: I know! ===They continue packing until her room is empty except for big stuff like, her bed, dresser and stuff like that!!=== Selena: Okay Em, I'm sorry but it's time for me to leave. *hugs her* Iove you, don't ever forget that.. (A/N: awwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!! :*) Emily: *trying to hold back tears but can't* Sel please!! Don't go!!! *hugs her and doesn't let go* Selena: *voice cracking* I'm sorry Em... *hugs her tighter* *about to go out of her bedroom door when...* Semily: *hears the garage door opening* Oh-no! Emily:Um quick! Go out your window! Selena: Emily! We're two stories up from the ground! How am i supposed to do that!? Emily: Sel do you want to leave here or not?! Selena: I guess... But I'll go down first and then you hand me my suitcases, okay. Emily: yeah okay, now hurry. Selena: okay, pushy! *she goes down her window carefully but cuts herself on the way down* ow! Emily: sh!! Selena: Jeez,thanks for caring so much. Emily: sorry but mom, will hear you! Selena: true.. *she's almost at the bottom so she decides to jump down, she jumps down* Made it! Emily: okay here's one of your ...

Thanks To :หีควย แอบถ่าย ทางบ้าน รูปโป้ หี ควย himna

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