Sunday, March 28, 2010

I'm in Love with a vamire adventure 5

80 VEIWS 10COMMESNTS!!!!! Nicks POV She ran as fast as she could out. I picked her phone up and read the text from jayla 8:46 august 16 2008 THE JONAS'S ARE VAMPIRES!!!! i'm not scared though, but becareful was what it said. I sighed. I didnt want her to find out like that, i dont want her to be scared....... at all. I needed to talk to her.... she was my responsability now. she was mine. I ran as fast as i could -which was atleast 2 miles per minute- and soon enough flew up to her window and sat on her bed. I guess she wasnt home yet, so i waited. The smell of her room drove me insain. I needed to control my thirst like I have been for 148 years. Soon her door swung open. I stood up and starred at the tear stained cheeked girl who looked terrified. "g-get away from me!!" she screamed as she grabbed two blush sticks and made a cross with them, hoping it would scare me away. "you know that cross and garlic shit is made up right?" I asked still walking toward her. She backed up into her door. "i'm not gonna hurt you..... i'm here to protect you. i dont eat humans..... i eat animals. " i was so pissed with my life i walked over to her bed and layed on it. " i'm not the monster everyone steriotypes me as. i might act like a hurtful, rude cocky bastard. but i'm not" She was still shaking. " your mine job as of now is to protect you from any harm that comes your way. But everything draws me to you. your voice, your smell even your face. as if you needed any of that " i ...

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