Wednesday, March 24, 2010

This Is All We Got Now Ep7

Edwards Pov i moaned. she wanted me the same way i wanted her. i had to please her. i carried her through the shadows and up to her bedroom. it didnt look much different from when we where children so i knew where everything was. her canopy bed was at the center off her room.there was a dresser on the north wall of her room and a window on the east side of the room. the walls where a soft blue but the darkness of the night made it darker. i kissed her again making her shiver. she moaned as i sucked her neck. she slowly removed my shirt tracing my abs. "how did you get these??" "years and years of chasing and carrying children." i laughed under her lips. we undressed each other and i put her on the bed when she was only in her undergarments. she knitted her fingers in my hair while smothering me with kisses. i slowly but carefully undressed her completely and kissed every inch of her body. i lay on top her now breathing heavily for the excitement in me made me nervous. "bella, ill change my ways for you. ill become a better man for you." i whispered in her ear. she kissed me and rubbed her body against mine. i smiled as we made love. i cant describe how wonderful and magical our time was. it was as if we where touching the heavens above. but i didnt know i had just made the biggest mistake of my life. my hunger pain kicked in. my mouth watered as i kissed her throat. the monster inside me snapped. i bit her. Bellas Pov i felt his mouth on my throat and i didnt complain as ...

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