Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Miss Invissable Ep. 31

RECAP: I started walking down the street.It was getting cold.It felt good though.Nice crisp air.Oh dang.I've forgotten about Abby! Miss Invissable Ep.31 I CHANGED Jon's sisters name to Abby! X))) Jon's POV I Walked faster.It started to get colder and the wind was picking up.I walked up to my pourch and quickly hopped up the steps.I reached deep into my pocket for my house key,pulled it out and stuck it in the key hole .I took a deep breath of the nice crisp air.I sighed,knowing that it was going to be horrible in there.I unlocked the door and walked into my house to see my parents screaming at eachother and shaking their hand in the air.Why do they have to fight? I slammed the front door angerly,which made them turn to me..I shook my head and looked at them in discust before running up the stiar case.I tried opening my bedroom door ; but it was locked. Jon-Abby hun.It's me,unlock the door please. I heard the door unlock.I opened it and saw her crying.I closed my door and wrapped her in my arms. End of POV Jon-Shhh.It's okay[starts stroking her hair]Calm down. Abby-..I know..and..o-okay[feels his arms] Your freezing! Jon-[looks down at him self ; no coat no jacket,just a short sleeve shirt]Oh don't worry. Abby-[takes a deep breath]What's the sme- Jon-[jumps up and changes his shirt] Abby-Ewwwwwhhhh,don't change infront of me.Gross. Jon-Sorry to disturb you. (they hear a THUD) Their Mom-Don't be hitting the wall! Their dad-WELL!! Why don- Jon-LETS find somthing on the TV ...


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