Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Beautifully Broken Ch. 11 (M/M pt 8/8)

sorry guys. heres the last bit of the marathon. writers block is gone. for now please comment www.youtube.com **Bridgets pov** I walk into my house slightly apprehensive. Joe is right behind me because well..im still battered, bruised, and broken. He places a hand on my shoulder and i turn to see him smiling. "No ones here..you're safe." he says. I look into his eyes. Those gorgeous brown eyes that are filled with so much love and emotion. "Stay..." i whisper sort of asking him. The corners of his lips curl up into a sweet smile. "Of course." he says to me closing my door. I walk up to my room slowly and drop my bag by the white dresser that i've painted with different things. I turn on the light and everythings back into view. I back away bumping into Joes chest. I cover my mouth with my hand and slide down to the floor crying. He pulls me gently towards his body. His arms coil around my waste comfortingly. I turn into him burrying my head against him. Soon enough im sobbing. He rubs my back with his hand while another runs its fingers through my hair. "Don't cry." he tells me. "It's hard not to!" i break away from his grasp and get up slowly. He grabs my elbow helping me and i wipe at my eyes. "You don't understand." i say to him. "You just don't.." "I can try.." he looks at me. "I can try to imagine what it's like but i wouldn't want to do that because then i'd get more angry at the person who did this to you. I don't want to see you like this. I..it hurts me when you ...


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