Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A High School Story Ep11

Episode 11: (THE NEXT MORNING) Bella- *wakes up cuddled against Edward* hey *smiles* Edward- *sleeping* Bella- *giggles then looks under the covers. they still have their clothes on* Thank god *looks at his chest* he must sleep with only pants on...*smiles* (in with emmett and rosalie* Emmett- *snoring* Rosalie- *on the floor. wakes up* ahh my back *looks at the floor* IM ON THE FLOOR?! Emmett- *cuddles with a teddy bear and continues snoring* Rosalie- *sighs and gets up then walks to the bathroom and gets a cup full of water then walks to the bed and pours it on Emmett* WAKE UP!! Emmett- *groans and sits up* why?! Rosalie- because this morning i ended up on the floor *eyes him* and so i decided you can get up with me. lets get a shower *smiles* Emmett- *jumps up and throws his boxers off* IM SO IN!! *grabs a giggling Rosalie and runs to the bathroom* (WITH JALICE) Jasper and Alice- *sleeping* (WITH BEDWARD) Bella- *slides out of bed and walks to the bathroom* Edward- *wakes up to the sound of water and looks at the other side of the bed. empty. he gets up and walks to the bathroom to find Bella brushing her teeth. he wraps his arms around her and kisses her neck* good morning beautiful Bella- *finishes her teeth and turns and kisses him* morning Edward- *makes a face* Bella- what? Edward- your lips are cold from brushing your teeth Bella- *smiles* sorry but I like brushing my teeth before i start the day Edward- well im going to warm them up *kisses her passionatly ...

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