Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I Just Wish It Would End! Chapter 4 [[ I Always Have To Wear A Fake Smile..]]

"Hey!" I put on my fake happy attitude. "Why are you calling me so early on a Saturday morning?" The voice said annoyed. "Three things, One Im bored, Two Its one PM, and three WAKE UP!" I screamed. "Ughhh, Its to early." She said. "If you dont wake up im going to come over and pour ice water on you!" I snickered to myself. "Im up!!" Zoe said. "K Get dressed, Ill be over in like a half hour." I said. "K bye." Zoe said still annoyed that I called her 'so' early. "bye" I hung up. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a purple top with a vest sewn on it, with skulls. I threw it on my bed, and went to my closet and pulled out a pair of flare jeans that were faded gray, threw those on my bed and made my way to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth, put on makeup curled the bottem of my hair and put on a fake smile, I went back to my room and took off my pajamas. I looked in the mirror at myself naked and saw my ribs bulging out and the bruises and cuts that no one has ever seen but me, and my so called Dad. I threw on my clothes looked once again in the mirror, grabbed my house keys on my dresser and left. I walked down the street, took a left saw a lost dog, and went over to it and looked at it. It had a hurt paw that was bleeding slightly. I looked at the name tag and called its owner, turns out the dogs name was Dane, and the owner showed up within five minutes and took their puppy. They thanked me and the little kid hugged my repeatedly thanking me so much for saving his ...


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