Tuesday, March 16, 2010

When You're Wasted:3

I drove back to Tibees, still with tears streaming down my face. I parked and ran inside; Tibee looked at me, 'Whats wrong?' I shook my head and ran to the room I was staying in. I pulled out my phone and threw it at the wall, not wanting any contact with anyone. Tibee ran in, 'What the hell is going on in here?!' I shook my head, 'He didnt want me to leave him..he tried..I miss him..I miss every bit of him, I dont care about the damn drugs and alcohol. I need him.' Tibee sat next to be, 'Sweetie, you dont need a man like that in your life, he treats you poorly, forget about him and move on.' I screamed, 'HOW CAN I WHILE IM IN LOVE WITH HIM?! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH! THATS WHY I NEVER LEFT HIM!!!' Tibee hugged me, 'Shh, calm down.' I pushed her off and ran out to my car, driving to the condo, hoping Joe would be there. I parked where I always parked in the garage and saw Joes car. I ran up the three flights of stairs to get to where all the condos are. I ran to the door and opened the door to mine and Joes to find him making out with some slut. It stung; it felt like a knife going through my heart. This guy said he loved me and was willing to change for me. And now I find out he doesnt love me and is not willing to change for me. Joe didnt notice the door open, so I thought it would be a nice treat to walk in and slam the door on his little party. I walked in and slammed the door with all the force in my body. Joe stopped kissing her and looked at me, who most likely had ...


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