Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Justin Love Story Ep. 14!

*At Madi's. Abby, Madi, and Shelby are sitting in Madi's living room* Madi's POV: Madi: wait, so let me get this straight... You love him, but you won't take him back because you can't trust him? Shelby: Basically. *Shelby had turned to me and Abby for advice after storming out of her own home. Who could blame her? I wouldn't want to be in the same room with the person I loved, but hated at the same time either* Madi: Makes sense to me. You can't be in a relationship with someone you can't trust, it just doesn't work. Shelby: *she looked up at me* Do you trust Christian? Madi: Yes. 100%. Listen, Shelby, you deserve someone who won't cheat on you, even if he is drunk. He shouldn't have even let Kendra in his house, he knows she's trouble. Shelby: God, I could kill her! I hate her sooo much! Abby: *She rubbed Shelby's back, trying to comfort her* So do I. But you're not gonna kill her. You'll get over this, I promise. We'll help you. Shelby: *She fell back onto my couch and sighed* Can I stay here tonight? Madi: Please, if you hadn't asked I would have made you. You can have my bed, I'll sleep on the couch. Shelby: No, come on, I just don't wanna go home. The couch is fine. Abby: Who said anything about sleeping? We're going to get your mind off Ryan, and everyone knows you think the most before you fall asleep. Shelby: We're gonna stay up all night? Abby: Either that, or get you tired enough so you just crash immediately... *with that, she ran to my kitchen, not offering ...


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