Friday, October 8, 2010

Tears Ch. 9

Alex's POV After dinner, i decided to take a shower. The water felt amazing. I must have been in there for a long time, cause i used all the hot water. I laughed as i got out. I looked at myself in the mirror and my smile fadded. I looked terrible. Bruises everywhere. I put on a bra and some underwear and walked into Joe's room. I sighed tiredly as i looked through my bag trying to find something to wear to bed. I couldnt find any comfortable clothes. "Oh, sorry" Joe opened and closed his bedroom door as he stepped into the room. "No, its ok. I cant find any comfy clothes. Can i wear one of your shirts to bed?" "Sure." He chuckled and went over to his dresser. "Do you need pants too? Or are you just wearing a shirt to bed?" "A shirt." I smiled as he threw the shirt at me. "Wait.." He walked over to me and got on his knees. He pressed his lips to my stomach and kissed every bruise he could find. He gently kissed down my legs and arms. I tilted my head back and smiled up at the ceiling, closing my eyes. He kissed around my belly button and i just couldnt take it anymore. I got on my knees and pulled his lips onto mine. He kissed back willingly and wrapped his arms around me. My arms tightened around his neck, securing his lips on mine. Our lips felt like they were made for each other. They moved in sync as we french kissed. I pulled away and smiled. He smiled at me too and we kissed one more time. "Do you really have to sleep on the couch tonight?" I whispered. "Only if you ...

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