Wednesday, October 27, 2010

When You're Wasted:2

That night after Tibee and her sister left I sat alone in the house watching TV. The door burst open letting the cool air fill the house. I turned and saw Joe with a huge grin spread across his face. He was high, I just knew it. Joe walked over to me and started to kiss my neck, 'Lets go upstairs and have some fun.' I pushed him away and slapped him across the face, 'Im waiting till Im with someone that truly loves me!' I ran upstairs, slammed the bedroom door, and locked it. Joe yelled through the door, 'Open the damn door Abie!!!!!' I yelled back, 'WHY SO YOU CAN HIT ME?! LIKE YOU PROMISED NOT TO!!!' Joe yelled back, but louder, 'IF I DONT SEE YOU FACE IN TEN SECONDS IM GONNA HURT SOMETHING SO BAD YOU WONT BE ABLE TO WALK FOR A MONTH!!!' I grabbed my purse, walked over to the door, opened it, and ran as fast as I could to the stairs. Joe grabbed my arm roughly and pulled me back and threw me to the floor. I hit the wooden floor with a big thud and I let out a shriek of pain. Joe smirked, 'Thats what you get for running from me!' He grabbed a vase with daisys that were fading and threw it at me. I screamed in pain when the broken pieces of glass punctured my skin. I sat up slowly, brushing the broken glass off of me. Joe walked away and I let out a small sigh of relief. I got up slowly, walked into the bedroom, gently shut the door and wrote a note for Joe. Joe, I love you dearly, but youve disappointed me. I cant take anymore of your drinking and taking drug act. When ...

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