Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hello Prince Chapter 21 Marathon 3 of 5

(Marathon 3 of 5) ~*Nicks POV*~ God why is my life so terrible!! Why am I never good enough? Why cant I ever be happy? What did I do to get god mad at me? I walked slowly to my bedroom trying to get the picture of 'Jemi' I shuddered just thinking of the couple name my sister gave them.. What the hell is a jemi anyway? Sorry when Im sad I get annoyed easily. Anyway.. I walked in my room and over to my dresser, I picked up a piece of paper I had on there. It was the note my father left for me when he left my mom when I was.. I kept it every since. Wait maybe my father can help me through this, maybe he can tell me what to do.. I need some guidance right now. I picked up my cell phone and pressed call when the arrow thingy got to my dads name. "Hello?" I heard my dads voice and I sighed a sigh of relief. "Hey dad" "Nick?" No its Jim.. Of course its Nick! "Um.. Yeah" God how many guys call him? "Hey son" I smiled when he said that. "Um.. Dad I need some help.. Can we maybe spend the day together.. I really need a guy to talk too" "Well.. Today isnt a very good day Nicholas, Im sorry son" My hopes dropped but I tried not to let the hurt I felt fill my voice. "Its okay dad, I know your busy, well mom is calling me.. Bye" I hung up and fell backwards on my bed. I heard a knock on the door and I groaned "Go away!" I yelled. "Nick?" I sat up and walked to the door, I opened it to reveal Kevin. "Hi" I muttered. "Hi" He smiled "Um.. I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie ...

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