Saturday, May 29, 2010

Second Day of Christmas

We received dozens of letters from so many deserving families,almost too many to count. Today's winner wrote us an email explaining how she gained custody of her grandson last year, after he was living in a bad situation with his dad. The little boy is 9-years-old and his grandma wrote us saying that his bed is being held together by duct tape and his dresser is in such bad condition, she doesn't dare move it because she's afraid it will fall apart. She told us that her grandson even wrote a letter to Santa asking for a new bedroom set. It's our great honor to let Joane Bardwell of Middleville know that we are giving her and her grandson a brand new bedroom set from Art Van Furniture.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Practical Guides bedroom furniture for first time home buyers

Now you can make your bedroom furniture should be one of the most exciting. However, it is easy to show accessories are confusing and frightening task set, once you get off, without learning, and basic conditions of bedroom furniture. You should be aware of the latest design trends and the different types of furniture you the Your bedroom can put in it. Your choices are modern and traditional furniture.

Yoube able to decide which types of furniture suitable for your bedroom. This means that you will be able to have basic knowledge of the dynamics furniture in the bedroom came a game when it comes. Easy, you must consider the situation, variables, functions are assigned to take durability and aesthetics. It 'important that you purchase only if it was all done completely covered. You are bound to get overwhelmed and confusedWhen you do your homework, not first to buy bedroom furniture.

The choice of bed and mattress right set

They tend to make mistakes and do bad choice but to prepare, do it yourself before you buy to put on your bed and mattress. You certainly confusing when you are not familiar with the size bed. There are single and double beds. These are the smallest size beds that are currently for sale on the market. You must understand, however,that accurate measurement of these can be read by a supplier to another. There is also the nature of the bed, which is commonly referred to as a super single bed.

It 's the type of bed full of beds, which are sometimes referred to as double beds notes. If you prefer the type of width and length of the bed, then you might consider purchasing queen beds. But if you really want for the greatest places on the market today, then it is best to get the king-size bed.

The mattress isbasically a personal purchase. Ask yourself what you want from your mattress. Be sure and buy one online? It 's definitely a good choice because there are a number of decisions that can match your tastes and preferences. When you choose to purchase the type of mattress, you watch your sleeping bag style or habit. You usually sleep on your side? Are you a back or stomach sleeper? Which do you prefer a hard or soft mattress? Once you are able to determine exactlyYou want from your mattress, buy mattress will be a simple and easy task.

The choice of duvet and bed linen in September

The decision to set the duvet and linen, it is important that you see on your wall colors and curtains. In short, it is necessary to integrate the equation the color scheme of your bedroom. It 'important to create harmony and rhythm in interior design bedroom. You must buy at least two setsComforter and bed linen is changed depending on the season. It 'important that you are a backup set available to a particular past.

Choosing the right Dresser

Before purchasing your table, you should be able to determine how much space you need in your bed. Also, make sure the chest adds perfectly with other design elements in the bedroom.

When purchasing your bedroomFurniture and accessories, is extremely important that you consider the price, functionality, durability, comfort and aesthetics take. A homeowner wise to spend more time and go the extra mile, learn to express themselves on bedroom furniture and accessories, before the final.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Wanna see my bedroom?

Just a quick tour around my bedroom!

Affirmations - Speak Your Truth

Why Do Affirmations Work?

When you state or write an affirmation, you are commanding through words. Affirmations work when properly stated or written because they create a clean mental picture of what you want in your creative mind.

How Do You Create the Best Affirmations for Yourself?

Affirmations must make you feel good when you read or say them. They need to evoke the kind of emotion that you would feel if you had already accomplished the goal. The stronger the emotion the quicker your goal will manifest in your outer world. If you write or say an affirmation for a few days, and it doesn't feel good, change it. Write the new one for a few days and see how it feels. You'll get it right and when you do, you will know it because you will feel good when you write it. Trust yourself.

Let's examine how you can make your affirmation more effective. Which of the following affirmations do you think are good?

1. "I want to be rich."
2. "I want to be independently wealthy."
3. "I am making more than four thousand dollars a month."
4. "I don't want to be fat."
5. "I'm not working in the collections department anymore."
6. "I am going to fit easily into my size 10 pink suit."
7. "I want to make $7500 on each monthly commission check."
8. "I feel so sexy in my luxurious size 5 black velvet pants."

Let's evaluate-
1. "I want to be rich.

NO-it's not a good affirmation. What does rich mean? The word rich is so ambiguous and means so many different things to so many different people that there is nothing definite about it. You'll never get there if this is what you tell yourself because your creative mind, that mind which attracts what you desire to you and creates your destiny, does not know what rich means. What definite or specific dollar amount means rich to you?

2. "I want to be independently wealthy."
NO-This is not a good affirmation. This is a similar problem as in number one. What is independently wealthy? That's about as vague as it can get. To answer that you must decide specifically what definite amount of money or what definite situation would indicate to you that you are independently wealthy? Another little problem with this affirmation is the word 'want'. When you say want, you will always 'want' it and never be attained in the present.

3. "I am making more than four thousand dollars a month."
NO-not good. More than four thousand dollars a month is neither specific nor definite. How much more than four thousand? If you don't know, you'll never get it, because if you don't know, your bull's-eye is blurry. You'll always miss when you don't know exactly what you're aiming at. Decide on a number you really want.

4. "I'm not fat."
NO-Not a good affirmation. Here we have three big problems. First, there is a negative word in this statement? Negative words such as don't, can't, no, and not are not recognized by your creative mind. That means that your goal, "I'm not fat," is being heard by your creative mind as "I'm fat."

And then there is the problem of how skinny? Time to get specific! How about, "I look and feel fabulously slim at my current weight of 130 pounds."

Another problem here is that what you don't want (fat) is being used to state the goal. Why would you want your mind to access the concept of fat, anyway? You want your mind to access slim or skinny. Always focus on what you want-not on what you don't want.

It's like "don't spill the milk." What do you think about - spilling the milk, of course. You could say, "Be careful," and the mind would access being careful.

5. "I'm not working in the collections department anymore."
NO-not a good affirmation. There's a negative word again. What would happen if you used this as a goal? You would work a lifetime in the collections department and never get out. Your creative mind would hear, "I'm working in the collections department," because it would not recognize the negative word not. And how about getting specific about what you want-not what you don't want. "I feel so successful working in the Admissions Department," would be a great way to focus on what you want.

6. "I am going to easily fit into my size 10 pink suit."
NO-not so good. A goal must be stated in the present. I am going to suggests something that will happen in the future but is not happening now and therefore you are programming your goal to always be in the future. Chances of attaining this in the present are slim. A better way to state this would be in the present tense, "I easily fit into my size 10 pink suit" or "I feel fantastic wearing my size 10 pink suit."

7. "My commission check will equal my mortgage payment."

NO-this affirmation did not turn out well for the person who wrote and said it.

Be careful what you ask for. The creative mind is not judgmental and what

You say is what you get! Unfortunately, interest rates went down, she

refinanced her house, her mortgage payment went down and her commission

checks followed! They went down. She got what she asked for!

8. "I feel sexy and voluptuous wearing my luxurious size 5 black velvet pants."
YES! - A great affirmation. 'I feel' is most definitely in the present tense. Always state your goals in the now. "'I am' wearing my sexy black velvet pants," is another way to create affirmations in the present tense.

You want to be so specific that you not only know what it looks like, you MUST know what it feels like. Using appropriate adverbs is a major benefit to create the feeling you desire. You must be able to access the feeling of how it would feel if it were already accomplished. You should know the colors of your definite chief aim-how it sounds, how it smells-and all this will result in an effective affirmation that vibrationally attracts what it affirms.

Let's look at the feeling behind the goal, "I feel so sexy in my size 5 luxurious black velvet pants." In my mind, I see myself in my slim size 5 pants. I see the beautiful luxurious velvet material and how they fit my size five body so perfectly. I can feel the soft luxurious fabric. I can see and feel the black shimmer of the pants. I can hear a daughter say, "Wow, mom, you really look great in those black pants, tonight!" If I want, I can make it more emotional by attaching a smell to it. Maybe I am at a Chinese restaurant in my gorgeous sexy outfit and I smell the Chinese food. Now I can really get into the feeling of what it feels like to be in those sleek velvet pants feeling sexy. Nothing blurry about that! It's a bull's eye I can't miss. (By the way, don't be surprised if I end up in a Chinese restaurant the first time I wear those sexy size five black velvet pants.)

Check Every Affirmation against These

1. Must state what you want-(not what you don't want)
2. Must be specific
3. Must be positive
4. Must be in the present tense
5. Must invoke intense emotion
6. Handwrite your affirmation (Don't print)

Your conscious mind gives orders to your creative mind. Your creative mind does not think-it just takes orders. Your creative mind takes those orders literally so it is vital that you give correct, clear, specific, emotionally poignant orders. Your creative mind knows no boundaries other than the ones you put on it. It just obeys. By including all six steps in your affirmation, your creative mind can go to work and create whatever you have programmed it to create.

Write in manuscript-Do not print

John G. Kappas, Ph.D., explains in his book, SUCCESS IS NOT AN ACCIDENT, that handwriting (manuscript, not printing) is known as a subconscious idiomatic response. He explains that not only are you writing the information, you are also viewing it on paper and changing your inner programming. The information you write goes directly to the brain via the central nervous system. Handwriting bypasses the conscious mind, implanting the ideas you want to use to change your life directly into the subconscious. Whatever you write subconsciously becomes a known fact. You are simultaneously affecting the logic of the left brain and the emotions of the right brain.

When handwriting your affirmations, it is important that numbers and dollar amounts be hand written, rather than in numeric form. Instead of $900.00, you should write out nine hundred dollars.

I remember watching an interview on television with Michael Jackson's siblings. They laughed when they told of how funny Michael was when he was a young boy. He would take bright colored pens and write on the mirror of his bedroom dresser. He would write specific statements, unreal statements about selling millions of records and making millions of dollar - unreal to them, anyway. Not unreal to Michael because obviously he had conceived it, he put it in handwriting, he put it where he could see it constantly, and as it usually happens when you affirm in such a manner continually, it manifest in his world. His siblings are still laughing while he is enjoying the fruits of what he affirmed!

Before Jim Carrey was famous, or even well known, he wrote himself a check for an unbelievable three million dollars. This several million-dollar check was not unbelievable to him, however. He carried this check around in his wallet; looked at it often, feeling the emotion he would feel when he would receive that amount for acting in a future movie. He did this consciously and frequently. It is no surprise that he received the exact amount in a check from a studio for acting in one of his first movies.

There is something that no one else is sharing with you and it's about time it came out! There is no doubt that affirmations are vey powerful; however, if you are not using the Law of Attraction in all three areas of your energy field, you are giving the universe mixed messages and are probably stuck on your road to success.

Here is the SIMPLE SECRET to a lifetime of happiness! You must use the Law of Attraction in all 3 critical areas of your energy field. I call it the WOW factor.

Within you: Putting the Law of Attraction to work in your thoughts, feeling, words, affirmations, and visualizations can make huge changes quickly in your life and your self esteem. When you change the way you think about things, the things you think about change.
On you: When you dress to match your personal energy, you will enjoy increased profits, empowering relationship and feel more energized. Dress so that the colors, fabrics, and clothing you wear has vibrations which match your personal energy.
What's around you: The flow of energy that surrounds you influences you greatly in either achieving your goals or blocking your dreams. You are a living, breathing, energy field and your environment is part of that field.

To make it simple, like attracts like. You can learn to hold the vision and incorporate the habits that allow you to radiate consistent energy from all three areas of your energy field - and the good news is that it is fun. Learning to do this is the most exciting adventure you will ever take.

Affirmations - Do you know how to create the best affirmations for yourself? Are you sure you are not sabotaging yourself by the way you are structuring them? Do you know you must handwrite, not print them? Learn the rules and watch them work!

Monday, May 24, 2010

evening constitution

just realized as I was uploading this that the clock on my wall is dead... that would have been a nice element to this trivial lapse. ok, looking for a AA battery now.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

How To Make Your Bedroom More Sensual

Start by giving your room a good look. Remove all the clutter in order to get an idea of the lines, the shades, the furniture and the possibilities.

Next, look at the colors of your room. Are they pale, feminine or devoid of life? If so, replace them with vivid shades, the deep dramatic colors of dark green, the warm hues of yellow and the burning powers of red and orange. Red, always associated with love and passion, is perceived by some as best for sexual energy. It is not always, however, a good idea to paint a room red. It can over power the rest of the decor. At its very worst, red becomes reminiscent of old-time cathouses and does not call to mind the right amount of sensuality.

Red may, instead, be used to accent and accessorize. Try red candles and oil lamps. Perhaps you have antique candle sticks or a boudoir lamp. Both can add to the overall sense of sensuality that you want to pervade the bedroom. Dim lights, candles and soft lamps or lampshades, conjure up fire images of passion and add to the entire atmosphere.

Sensual bedrooms are all about atmosphere. The burning of incense, the lighting of candles, the playing of soft music - all provide a background of sensual illusion. The addition of scented candles or smoking potpourri is beneficial, but, as with the color red, don't over do it. Please, as well, take into consideration, whether your partner or s/he who would be seduced is allergic to any particular scent. The same applies to adding flowers or any other scented objects e.g. rose petals or lavender flowers scattered on the bed sheets.

If you have the money, buy a four-poster bed with a canopy. If not, you could buy or make a lace or net canopy that hangs suspended from the ceiling, draping sensuously over the bed. Avoid at all costs, however, the complete feminization of the bedroom. Lacy pillows and gauzy materials may not be considered sensual by your partner.

Make the bed comfortable. Install erotic looking plump pillows and crisp sheets. Some people find silk or satin sheets, red or black, to add to the mood. Others do not care as long as the sheets are clean, comfortable and cool to the touch.

A wonderful addition to a bedroom that can increase the level of sexual energy is a screen. Place it in a corner for disrobing behind. Have it at neck height adding to the allure. If it appears semi sheer through back lighting, the act of undressing becomes sensuous and not simply part of a routine.

Mirrors are another possibility. Mirrors can be hung from the ceiling, behind the bed or on a nearby dresser. If a candle light is reflected on their surface, a mirror can be an inexpensive way of setting a mood.

One more consideration: privacy. During the day, let light flood your room. At night, however, dress your windows with shades or blinds. It will, together with all the other elements, create an intimate sensuous setting within the four walls of your bedroom.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

How to Make Your Child's Room Safe

If you are a parent or grandparent, you are no doubt always looking for new ways to keep your children and grandchildren safe. There are many places that our kids go where we have little control over their safety, such as at school.

However, there is one place where you can have full control over your childrens' safety, and that is in their very own bedroom. You may not have considered that their room could ever be unsafe, but think for a second about all the dangers that lurk behind their door. Electrical outlets, heavy furniture, unlocked windows can pose a significant hazard to a child too young to know how to practice safety.

Consider these few suggestions for making your child's room safer for him or her.

Securing Furniture

A child's bedroom is most often considered a safe place to play, but did you know that children are killed every year by falling bookcases, dressers, and televisions? Securing these items to the wall behind them prevents children from pulling the furniture down on top of them. Kids don't know any better when climbing for that book on the top shelf, the box of crayons sitting on top of the television, or the lamp on top of the dresser that they can't reach. Simply tether the back of the furniture to the wall with a large screw or bolt, preferably into a wall stud so it cannot easily be pulled out.

Evaluate Windows, Doors and Locks

Even if you have made the inside of your child's room safe for play, have you considered the ways in and out of your child's room? Many parents forget to check windows and doors for problems, which can be deadly. Windows should be locked, preferably with a child-proof latch. This is especially important if the bedroom is on a second story. Doors should have working knobs that don't stick or lock. Children can easily lock themselves in their room and become stuck. The same goes for closet doors and locks.

Other Safety Precautions

Lastly, be sure to take the smallest but most obvious steps toward safety in your child's room. Install protectors over electrical outlets. Make sure there is a smoke detector inside the room, preferably above the door toward the ceiling. If smoke pours in from the other side of the door that is the first place it will go. When your child is old enough, teach him or her how to unlock the bedroom window for escape during an emergency.

Using these safety precautions will help keep your children safe while playing in their room and give you some peace of mind.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Get the Right Size of Bed For Your Bedroom

One of the determining factors that affect the quality of your sleep is the size of the bed. It is important that one gets a bed that is good and large enough for them and for their partner (if they are a couple).

Some basic information on bed sizes is provided below:

- Singles: They can also be referred to as bunk or twin beds. There are common is children's rooms, dorm rooms and guestrooms. The ideal measurement for this bed is 39 inches wide by 75 inches long, making them ideal for small bedrooms.

One of the great things about this bed is that finding sheets that cover them properly is not a hard task are the sheets for this bed are mostly available and affordable. These beds are usually fitted with trundle beds that can be pulled out if there is a guest who wants to sleep over.

One disadvantage about this bed is that they don't accommodate adults very well. If one would want a sing bed and they fell that it is too short, they can opt for a longer single bed, but getting sheets for the same would be a bit of a challenge.

- Doubles: This kind of bed is good for couples who would like to cuddle and snuggle close to each other as they enjoy their sleep. It is also good for one who would want to sleep alone and usually rolls over from one side of the bed to the other so as to enjoy their sleep. It is also known as a full bed and measures 54 inches by 75 inches.

Though this type of bed can be ideal for a small master bedroom, it may bring about problems for those who are tall and would need a longer bed. It may also bring issues for people who are not used to sleeping with each other on the same bed.

-Queens: This one has a standard size of 60 inches by 80 inches. A couple can comfortably sleep side-by-side to each other without bringing about issues. It is a nice fit in smaller master bedrooms and guestrooms.

Even with its large size, there are some people who will find the bed narrower and shorter as regards their needs. If this is so, then such people can go for the Olympic Queen size bed that best accommodates them.

- Kings: This one comes in 2 types: eastern king/standard king and western king/Californian king.

Eastern king: It measures 76 inches wide by 80 inches long. It is the biggest and widest bed available. It is best suited for big bedrooms.

Californian king: It measures 72 inches by 84 inches. It is narrower than the eastern king, but the deductions in width are the addition in length.

With this information, you can get the right bed size for yourself.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

And, You Think Your Band is Broke?

What you are about to read, you may not believe, and may feel that the story is made up. But, I swear that it is entirely true.

And, the next time you are feeling sorry for you or your band not having enough money, these truths about my own first band back in 1976 may make you realize just how financially solvent and rich you already are:


Though we would experience dark days, we had the audacity to name our band "The Lights Of Soul." We were so poor that, at one point, we seriously considered renaming it "The Welfare Band" (which was much more appropriate) in hopes that our community would feel so sorry for us that they would put dollar bills in pur tip jar instead of simply tossing us loose change. Actually, on second thought, we never had a tip jar because we couldn't afford that either. If memory serves, our "tip jar" was a Lays potato chip bag propped up by two ice cream popsicle sticks.


I began the band with a large number of players...something like 20+ members (we were into Earth, Wind & Fire at the time and wanted a big Funk sound). Have you ever heard of former NFL Dallas Cowboy Eugene Lockhart? Well, I grew up with him and he began playing trombone in my band. I later kicked him and another band member out for wrestling after they broke our manager's couch.

Two brothers played in my first band...Larry Whitting (bass) and Doug Whitting (keyboard). Larry played an awful looking hollowbox bass, and even though I was not yet a bass player (I was playing trumpet at the time in the high school band), I had to show Larry every single note to every song. Because, not only was he completely clueless regarding music, he was also tone deaf (or, was it tone death?). Actually, both phrases applied to Larry.

Well, after about 999 times of showing him songs, I became so frustrated, I decided to relieve Larry of his bass-playing duties, and I took up playing the bass myself. As we could not afford a professional bass, my manager ordered one out of the Sears & Roebuck catalog. Those S&R catalogs were so large, I am told that some people actually went hunting with them during deer season.

To use this book as a weapon and save wear and tear on your rifle and save ammunition at the same time, all you needed to do was climb a tree with it, remain quiet, and await an unfortunate deer to arrive under your tree then, (((((BAM))))). You dropped it on his head and took him out. And, best of all, no bloody mess to clean up out of the truck cab either.

I believe the new bass guitar, possibly, broke our manager's bank account that week with its hefty $49.95 price tag (plus tax). Talk about splurging! Oh, yeah...after breaking a couple of strings one night, I played the bass for several weeks with only two strings on it because we could not afford to buy a whole set. As you can imagine, my hands/arms were doing double time and, afterward, my forearms were so swollen, they would have made Popeye jealous.

If you are a bass player, have you ever tried playing 4 notes' worth of music on only 2 strings all night? No, I didn't think so, because you are smarter than that.

But, the positive side of that experience, is that when people watched me doing it, they thought that I had suddenly become a very fast-playing bass player in record time, even though they didn't follow me home to see me soak my painful arms in a tub of Epsom Salt afterward.

"Wow! Kenny, you can play REALLY fast now! How did you learn to do that so quickly? Can you show me?"

Uh, let me think about that for a minute...NO!

In fact, I have major arthritic pain in both my wrists as a result of this.

Now, about Larry's brother, Doug. Lordy, mercy. Doug's keyboard couldn't even be called a real keyboard. It looked like some accordion that had been refused access to the piano family reunion picnic. It was so small, that Doug would sit it on his knees in his attempts to play it. It was so small that a single finger, almost always, and unintentionally, played two notes simultaneously.

It sounded worse than those cheap 1980s Casios...yeah, you know the ones...those little white ones that, in order to hear them, you not only needed to plug them into a PA system, but you also needed to mic the keyboard so the audience could actually hear your fingers tapping the keyboard and validate that you were actually playing it and that you weren't pulling a "Milli Vanilli."

Well, with our image to think of, this soon became too much, and I asked Doug to join Larry in the unemployment line, and also because he could never seem to get those extremely difficult three-note major chords down correctly. And I was terrified that asking him to venture into the areas of Dominant 7th chords, or worse, 9th or 11th inversions would prove to be an impossibility and finally send him over the edge. We were now sans a piano, but for the better. Come to think of it, I don't believe the little keyboard could even make 7th chords.

Our drummer, Reginald Smith, is one of my closest friends to this day (known him since Kindergarten). But let me tell you about his drum kit, or more accurately, his "partial" drum kit. Actually, Reg couldn't afford the entire kit, so he just had drums (and, sometimes, sticks). The drum set that Reg played had no ride or crash cymbals. But worst of all, it had a kick pedal that only functioned part of the time...that is, when the adjustment screw wasn't popping out, flying halfway across the room, and almost putting out one of the other band members' eye.

In fact, the kick pedal became so bad for repair, that Reg finally decided to toss it entirely. But, whenever we were on a good roll, he would, believe it or not folks, kick the drum with his toe. I believe I even recall him doing a fast double kick once when the spirit moved him to do so in what would have normally been a double roll with a real drum set. A positive side effect, however, was his ability to quickly build his thigh and calf muscles, even if there was the occasional "charlie horse" as a downside.

Our first gig was, literally, in a cow pasture, complete with cows (only in Texas). To add insult to injury, we were encased in chicken wire in case the audience got ticked off at our playing for whatever reason, and decided to kindly and collectively toss their beer bottles our way so as not to litter the pasture. After all, you can't have valuable cattle stepping on glass, can you?

However, the chicken wire encasement did not deter a drunk toothless, snuff-dipping woman from reaching through the wire, grabbing Cedric Reagans, our lead singer, by his shirt collar when he got too close to the fencing, then attempting to force her tongue down his throat as he sang a rendition of Barry White's "Can't Get Enough Of Your Love, Babe." Ooooh...just the sordid memory of the scene still chills by bones 32 year later.

Our "PA System" (yeah, right). We also could not afford a real PA system, let alone it being from a professional quality line. So, we had what I still consider an ingenious idea to this day. We decided to take the drawers out of a bedroom dresser, then mount a 15-inch speaker to its stationary brace.

Our manager then ran an electrical wire back to one of the guitar amps. Lastly, we took a black cloth and covered the entire dresser so that it appeared that we were on the rise financially and could now afford some serious new equipment. Our manager is the only human being that I have ever seen hook up a sparkling electrical wire without the hint of flinch.

Once when our manager was late for rehearsal, to get rehearsal started, a couple of our foolish members bravely tried to hook the naked electrical wires up as they had seen our manager do, but were knocked across the room by heavy voltage. No one ever tried that again. As for our homemade PA system, no one was ever the wiser, and several people said our sound improved. ;-(

Our lead singer would, on occasion, also forget the lyrics to the songs. He would then look around at us for either moral support, guidance, or telepathy (I never figured out which he was seeking). In any event, we offered neither and were of no consolation in his sudden plight.

During these wonderful special occasions, I would take the liberty and opportunity of seeking out shelter via a convenient part of the curtain to hide behind if we were fortunate enough to be gracing a stage until Cedric's Alzheimer's cleared up and he had returned to normal and recalled the lyrics. If we were not onstage, as any smart and fast-thinking ostrich does, I would simply drop my head, stare at the floor, and pretend I was on a battlefield in a distant part of Okinawa.

I cannot, in all honesty, talk about the other members without revealing to you a personal foul-up of my own. One of our gigs was playing for a high school FFA (Future Farmers of America) meeting. Well, in my excitement and haste, I forgot to tune my bass, and when we started playing, it was obvious (to me) that my bass was tuned a whole step high.

In denial, and not able to face my mistake of having not tuned it beforehand, and being the only member in the band who actually read music (and was well respected for such), I staunchly informed the band that never in all my life had I heard an entire band be out of tune, even the drummer, on a song and that they really needed to strongly consider getting some serious musical training before it was too late.

The incredible thing is, they believed my lie, and to this day I cannot bring myself to tell them the fault was entirely my own. Actually, I dare not tell them now, as people today are so short-tempered and quick to become irate and upset without just cause.

Our manager, although good-hearted and well-meaning, was almost as poor as we were. Johnny had a Chevy that we used to take some of the band members home. Actually, what the car was, was a smoking death-trap that, fortunately, never killed any of us, although it very much tried doing so. We did, however, suffer severe whiplash on occasion, and here is how...


As I said, after rehearsal we had to take some members home, and the guitarist lived about 15 miles out in the woods. There were 45-degree curves like nobody's business, and the car's brakes were in such need of repair that, when you engaged them, the car would jerk at a 45-degree angle to the right.

Naturally, to prepare for and adjust to this experience each time meant jerking the steering wheel back to the left at a 90-degree angle as you simultaneously engaged the brakes, just so the car would appear to remain straight to any friendly, safety-minded, well-meaning police officers hell-bent on issuing a moving violation traffic citation.

Sometimes, however, we would forget that the car was jerk-able and, hence, this is when we would experience the nice soothing pain that only whiplash can bring. After having dealt with this on more than a few occasions, I was already well-trained by the time I entered the army and drove a tank the first time. For maneuvering the tank, compared to the 4-wheel mobile deathtrap, was a cakewalk, and fellow soldiers marveled at how fast I grasped the throttle concept, of which I have the "Deathmobile" to thank for.


So, I'm betting that right about now, your financial situation is starting to look a whole lot better to you, isn't it? ramshackle avant-unit MTV Cribs

A beautiful collection of modern furniture. includes modern bedroom, modern platform beds, cabinets modern, modern beds, modern nightstands - a modern living room furniture, set modern sofa, modern love seats, chairs

Meet Me in the Middle - Transitional Furniture

You're not a liberal or a conservative. You like cats and dogs, and have no preference regarding Coca-Cola or Pepsi. You are a middleman without being a middleman. In short, you enjoy things that are agreeably moderate and don't interfere too much with your daily routine. You want spontaneity, but not necessarily the unexpected. As a result, your home is probably neither too traditional nor ultra contemporary. This, my even-tempered friend, is transitional furniture, and if your home isn't full of it, maybe you're leaning too heavily one way or another.

There are those that decorate their homes as though it belongs in another century-specifically, the one with the French Revolution. Curlicues, ornamentation, and baroque are not styles you appreciate in furniture. Then again, you don't much favor the sharp lines and starkness of contemporary furniture either. And you certainly don't own a Colonial style canopy bed or a country home dining table. No, your bedroom furniture is transitional because you want it to be able to blend with everything and anything. You admire the details that are part of traditional furniture, but also approve of the simplicity of contemporary furniture. For you, the choice is not "what goes with this?" so much as "what doesn't go with this?"

Transitional furniture is the perfect blend, since it's not extreme either way. The two things it holds dear are comfort and functionality, which is what you want out of furniture anyway. Metal and glass, contemporary materials, are combined with solid hardwoods in cherry, a more traditional finish. Lush fabrics and modern shapes are upholstered as one. Curves and lines are integrated but they don't look overly formal. However, if it seems like a dining table is too severe, it probably belongs in a more contemporary setting. On the contrary, a dining table with heavily decorated feet and a mahogany finish is probably too traditional for your tastes.

Of course, some transitional people tend to sway a little in one direction or the other. Eclectic style furniture mashes different furniture styles to become your own creation. Colors and textures help keep the look unified, but the actual furniture is different and lacking continuity. The casual style is more conformist, borrowing from contemporary furniture without the formality. It's perfect for families, as the basis for casual means just that: comfort and support minus the decorations.

With transitional furniture, it's about balance. What dimensions are in the middle? Is this coffee table too sumptuous or elaborate? Does this dresser add warmth or does it feel "cold"? The juxtaposition of lines, palettes and décor will energize your home, and without ever having to choose a side. Stay comfortable and easygoing with transitional furniture, right there in the middle.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Realize, Real Lies, Real Eyes Episode 5

New trailerrr comin soon. I love the idea of it :) I probably post the first episode after Thirteen Reasons is over, which is REALLY soon ): Anyway, enjoy! 10 comments! _______________ I felt safe laying in Joe's arms. He's said he's sorry a million times now. "I don't want you to apologize anymore" I whisper. He looks at me confused. "Joe. I need to tell you something" He deserves to know now. "Go ahead" I sit up and look at him. "Its about, the baby" He looks alarmed suddenly "Is Leighton okay?" "Leighton?" I smile. He blushes "I just thought of it on the way home from the doctors. Its okay if you don't-" "No" I grin "I love it. Leighton Jonas" He smiles back at me "So what did you need to tell me" I look down. How could I tell him after that? "Sel?" My head snaps back up at him. He looks worried, his brow furrowed. "Selena. Tell me" He whispers. I sigh "Its nothing" "Okay..." He says sounding unsure. I lean back on him in the same position as before. I play with my necklace nervously. A locket, Joe gave me years ago. When we were barely eighteen. And when things were so much simpler. He knew something was up. He knew my nervous habits. "Selena tell me. I can't take this" he says in my ear. I let a tear slip out. "Joe I can't" I say softly. "If its that important. You have to. I can help. I just need you to tell me" he says. "Joe. I don't want to hurt you" "Its hurting me more, by not telling me" I blink quickly. "Joe, your not the father" I say, so quietly, I can ...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Kiss and Tell- A Jemi Story Ep.19

Miley: Nothing, i just wanted to say hi, Hi (waves and smiles) Mr.Franchesci: (waves back) Hi (walks off) Later that night At Demi's House Selena: ( ) & ( ) Miley: ( ) & ( )(a/n the only reason that i put these shoes is because i have them =) ) Joe&Nick: (knock on the door) Joe: ( ) Nick: ( ) Selena: (answers it) Hey, Guys your early Joe: (laughs) Yeah, For once (looks around) Where's Dem? Miley: Upstairs she has nothing to wear Joe: Oh okay, i'm going up (runs upstairs) Demi? Demi: In here Joe: (goes into the room where he can hear Demi's vioce comeing from) He- WOAH Demi: What? Joe: (looks around) ( ) I though you said you have no clothes? Demi: I dont Joe: But, you have this whole room, full of them, and i though this was a guest bedroom? Demi: Oh, Yeah, well cause this is a big house, and it's only me and my mom living here, we only needed two of the room's and the rest were guest bedrooms but i needed more room for my clothes, i asked my mom if i could have this room Joe: Okay, and i though you had a wardrobe in your room? Demi: Oh no it burst Joe: Burst? Demi: Yes, now help me find somthing to wear Joe: Okay, Okay (looks and finds somthing and gives it to Demi) Demi: Close your eyes Joe: (closes his eyes) Demi: (goes up to him and puts his hand over his eyes and turns him around) Joe: What is all the spinning for? (laughs) Demi: Just ...

Monday, May 17, 2010

Antique Waterfall Furniture: Add A Little Life To Your Home

If you have ever been to an antique furniture store then you will realise exactly how beautiful the variety of pieces can be. Some just leave you standing with your jaw hanging open. They simply take your breath away. However, some have more of an effect than others. One specific piece that will always take your breath away is the antique waterfall furniture. This type of furniture is absolutely fascinating to watch in use and you will undoubtedly decide that you have to have it then and there.

Waterfalls provide some of the most wonderous natural phenomena known to man. You can stand there and watch one in action for hours without getting bored. Antique waterfall furniture is exactly the same. You will never be able to part with it once it is yours. Antique waterfall furniture is absolutely stunningly beautiful and never seems to get tired. You can spend hours with it and it can provide a fantastic new decoration for your home. The air of mystery that it brings will defy the ages. That is if it is well taken care of.

You can purchase a piece of antique waterfall furniture from any number of antique dealers but they are very few and far between. Their rarity actually adds a considerable value to their already mesmerising nature and appearance. If you are interested in browsing your options before choosing whether to make a purchase or not then take a look at the many online stores available. Some specialise in items like antique waterfall furniture, but others will be general stores that sell a huge variety of antiques.

It is possible to get an antique waterfall furniture piece from one of the auctions sites online but the value and authenticity of the piece may be compromised. Buy directly if you can afford to because at least then you will be getting your money's worth. These items do tend to be cheaper on online store inventories than on store dealer inventories so this may well be your best bet as far as capital is concerned.

Antique waterfall furniture can add a new quality to any home in its own unique way. If you have yet to experience the pleasure that antiques like that can bring then you really should as soon as possible. The innate beauty that every piece of antique waterfall furniture can bring to a home is unparalleled and is actually worth every penny. If you do not believe me, then take a look for yourself!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Avi Buffalo - "Five Little Sluts"

Avi Buffalo - "Five Little Sluts" July 6, 2009 Avi and I met up on a fairly overcast Monday afternoon in early July, the kind of day where the marine layer just sits with a certain stillness. I wasn't exactly sure what to expect when I showed up, whether it would be the full band, or just Avi acoustic (all the music and words are his, but it isn't your typical singer-songwriter fare). What I got wasn't really either. It was at his parents' house, nestled somewhere in a quiet and invisible patch of suburban Long Beach. Maybe more unassuming than the home itself was Avi; shaved head, all smiles, wearing a bright blue long sleeve UCLA shirt and torn black jeans. He said he'd thought he might play a few songs with his electric through an amp, and maybe do one acoustic song. I have to admit I was a bit incredulous at how this would work with just him, but that was proven wrong the moment he started. Avi's music has a sort of magnetism to it that keeps pulling you further in. The careful imagery, delivery and intricate musicianship that, even with just his guitar and voice, is layered with such depth that it begs for further listening. Sidebar: Of course the first thing anyone tends to mention when talking about Avi Buffalo is their age. I was completely oblivious of this (that he had literally just graduated high school a week or so before), even when I showed up at his parents' house and he played in the room he grew up in; after all, I know plenty of ...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Four Steps to Use a Humidifier

Basically, a humidifier is used to add moisture into the air. The moisture can be either a steam or cool mist. It depends on the type of humidifier you have. The moisture which is produced by humidifier can help you to alleviate dry lips, skin, and throat. At this time, this article will provide you four steps to use a humidifier.

The first step is to read the instructions and warnings that are included on the humidifier. After that, you need to fill the tank with certain amount of distilled water.

The second step is to place the unit on the solid surface of your room. If you are going to use the humidifier in your bedroom, you can place it in the low dresser or night stand.

The third step is to make sure about the level of your humidifier. The ideal range level of your humidifier that is used for indoor should be 40 to 60 percent. If the level is under 30 percent, this can be dangerous for the people and also for other household contents. Meanwhile, if the level is above 75 percent, this can lead to the growth of bacteria and mold. Thus, you have to make sure that you set the humidity level correctly.

The fourth step is to plug your humidifier nearby the electrical outlet. You have to make sure that the cord is secure so that this is out of the way. So, by following these four steps to use a humidifier, now you can easily use it in your home.

The Prefect Dresser Collection For Your Bedroom

A Contemporary dresser collection can give you a fresh look on traditional styles. They are able to fit in to any room can provide many years of beautiful use. You can find many dressers to enjoy the quality furniture with contemporary styling.

Some of the collections are in a dark java color and comes with a master dresser that has a matching mirror. These six drawer high chests allow you have more space for your clothing and can give you an opportunity to match the set perfectly. It features brass pulls and the drawers are lacquered on the interior to give you many years of use.

For those who prefer urban styling, there are light brown finishes also with lacquered drawers. These clean lines allow you to have a stylish and functional set of dressers which include the large vertical dresser and matching high chest. The interior of the drawers also lacked cared for longevity.

There is a minimalist collection that is perfect for those who like the uncluttered design, and the dark hardware with warm medium brown finish offers a unique look. It has gentle curves to offset the more severe styling and the large dresser and matching mirror and six drawer chest lend itself beautifully to this look.

Even traditional brown cherry wood collections are available, giving you a classic look for your furniture. Using fluted posts and sides, you get affordable luxury with the look of brass pulls. Featuring a higher master dresser then other collections the mirror is also available and you can purchase the high chest to accent it as well. The drawers are stained so you can enjoy them for many years.

Clean collection come in a white paint finish with the drawers as being lacquered in the interior for longevity. The master dresser features a matching mirror and the six drawer chest uses five piece drawers with nickel hardware. Is a classic design that can give you many years and enjoyment out of the dressers.

The internet offers these collections on their website and you can buy the entire suite or choose the pieces that you want. You can see the furniture in high quality photographs can be able to take advantage of their free shipping option. This allows you to receive the furniture at your home trouble free.

Choosing to have a dresser collection can afford quality pieces with enough space to organize your clothing easily. With contemporary styling you'll be able to use these for many years and enjoy them in any decorating setting.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Refinishing Furniture

Before you haul your dated dresser or beat-up dining room chairs to the curb, consider this: In as little as a couple of hours you can give your sturdy furnishings a facelift. Refinishing furniture is more economical than purchasing new items-besides, why toss out a well-built piece of furniture just because it's in need of an update?

If you're bringing an old chair or end table that's in good shape in from the garage, cleaning the surface with mineral spirits or oil soap may be all that's needed to freshen it up. You can revive unpainted wood furniture with furniture polish; to tackle nicks, use grain filler sticks that match the color of the wood.

When minor touchups won't do or you want to change the appearance of an item, it may be time to strip and refinish or paint the furnishing. Here are some pointers for each stage of the refinishing process.

Prepare for stripping.

Cover the floor with cloth and newspapers to ensure strippers and stains won't damage the surface. Remove any knobs, hardware, or cushions from the item you're refinishing. Fill in any deep scratches or dings.

Strip the old finish.

The fastest way to remove an old finish is to use a chemical stripper, although furniture refinishers are a gentler option. Another possibility for completely removing a furniture finish is to combine equal parts paint thinner and lacquer thinner.

If you opt for a chemical remover, select one that's not too harsh or you'll cause more problems than good. Look for chemical strippers labeled "no cleanup" or "will wash away with water" to minimize messes. Thick strippers such as gel or paste are best for refinishing vertical surfaces; liquid strippers only work for horizontal refinishing.

Make sure to wear safety gloves and eye protection, and only apply strippers in a room with proper ventilation. An old paintbrush works best for applying strippers or refinishers.

Leave chemical strippers on for as long as the manufacturer directions recommend. When the stripper or refinisher is dry, remove as much of it as possible with a putty knife or scraper with round edges (be careful not to gouge the wood!). Steel wool is handy for taking care of hard-to-remove patches, although in some cases you may have to apply another layer of stripper to completely clean leftover spots.

Clean and sand.

Once all of the stripper or refinisher has been removed, clean the furniture and allow it to dry. Sand the wood gently with fine sandpaper so it's smooth to the touch.

Apply stain.

Wearing protective gloves, use a brush or a rag to stain the furnishing. Apply the first layer with a light hand; you can always add more coats if necessary.

If your furnishings have intricate details, you may wish to dip the object in a liquid stain bath instead. This isn't a DIY project, but it ensures great coverage and a beautiful finish so it may be worth the cost. Find a local furniture refinishing pro who can dip furniture for you.

Or forgo the stain altogether and paint instead.

Top with a finish.

To protect your hard work and keep your furniture looking attractive, apply an oil or polyurethane finish or varnish after the stain dries. Once the finish dries, your like-new furnishing is ready to use!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Vermont Bedroom Lounge Dining Room Hardwood Furniture.wmv

Vermont Bedroom Lounge Dining Room Hardwood Furniture supplied by contact 0844 840 1879 Packed in Carton(s) for Home Assembly. Solid Hardwood Furniture with metal handles.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Behind the smile || Chapter. 6

Behind the Smile || Chapter. 6 -Trina'sPov- I was walking upstairs with Danielle right behind me. We were so stuffed. Wow I haven't ate that much in a long time. "Are you stuffed?" Danielle asked me as we reached my room."Hell yeah." Laughing. We were laying on my bed then the next thing I new was that we were asleep. - Next day- -Danielle'sPov- The summer warm air came threw the crack in Trina's window. I started to breathe heavy. More air started coming in. I woke up breathing hard and tying to clam down. That's good I didn't wake her. Arising from the bed I walked over to the window closing it behind me. The room was clean for once. Wow I guessed by Trina and I being fully dressed that we fell asleep. I heard a knocking on the bedroom door. "Come in?" I watched as her maid came in. "Good-morning Danielle." Mary said as she placed Trina's clothes on her dresser. "Good-morning Mary." I said smiling. She looked over at Trina you was drooling all over her bed. I kicked the end of her bed trying to wake her. Yep it worked. She was sitting straight up looking around the room. "Hey Trina, Good-morning." I said smiling at her. "What time is it? We have to meet Nick and Joe at 3:30." She started moving everywhere looking for a clock. "Chill out Trina. Its only 10:30." I said holding her still. -Nick'sPov- I was woken up by the wonderful smell of eggs. Huh? Who is cooking? I asked myself. I threw the covers off and walked down stairs. To see my mom cooking. "Mom when did you get ...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Midtown West

****BEST VALUE LUXURY HIGH-RISE TWO-BED-1.5 BATH IN PRIME HK MIDTOWN!!!! This high-rise two-bedroom is located in the West 50s just steps to theaters, restaurants, Central Park and all west-side subways. The south-facing 32x15 living room receives immense amounts of light and faces south onto Seventh Avenue, offering excellent midtown views. There is a half-bath in spacious entry foyer and a full master-bath, both of which have been beautifully renovated with subway-tiled walls and marble floors. 15x12 master bedroom easily accommodates a king-sized bed and dresser. It provides generous closet space, in addition. The smaller 12x13 bedroom is spacious and offers one large closet, as well. Building's amenities include 24-hour doorman service and laundry. Call today for further information.*****

Monday, May 10, 2010

Bedroom Sets

A bed is basically used for sleeping and sometimes for relaxing, working, exercising and reading. There are many styles and types of bedroom sets available. If you plan on buying one -- do your homework.

The age of the person who will be sleeping in the bed is important. Infants, toddlers and children have different needs than younger and older adults. Safety is an important factor, especially for toddlers who are more prone to accidents. Another factor to consider is durability and quality of the piece(s) you have in mind.

Bedroom suites are available for different tastes and for every budget and lifestyle. Contemporary bedroom sets made from durable wood claimed to last a lifetime usually include a classic style bed, dresser, chest, mirror and two nightstands. Make sure each piece is sturdy and free of defects. The right one will give your room an elegant appearance.

Bedroom sets are available to suit both a girl and a boy's taste in a variety of themes and colors sure to liven your child's room. Baby and youth sets should be purchased with durability and longevity in mind. The wood should be durable, with a non-toxic finish. Cribs should have teething rails and should come with a mattress.

An adolescent's room quite often has a bedroom set that reflect the "teen" years. Designed to look like a room where kid's like to "hang out," they are stylish, functional and usually well-crafted. Look for metal accessories to give a "jazzy" look. Furniture for an adolescent's room should include a mirror, study table and bookcase.

The bedroom is not only a place for sleeping but also a place to relax. You may want to read, practice your hobby or just spend some time on your own. To create such a space you need to make it personal and inviting by choosing the most apt furniture sets for your bedroom.

Greenwich Village

Bank Street and West 4th, the quintessential street in West Village. This charming large one bedroom features bright southern exposure living room with detailed crown moldings, decorative brick fireplace, original oak wood floor, separate chef's kitchen including DISHWASHER and gas burning range, the bedroom can accommodate King-Size bed with two night stands, dresser and a desk including two closets. Walking distance to Magnolia Bakery, Equinox Gym, Meatpacking District, A/C/E/1/2/3 trains. Email Lance to view this beautiful apartment.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Interior Design - A Few Design Ideas For Decorating a Large Bedroom

Designing a plain oversized bedroom can be a huge challenge to undertake. With its size, such a room can be difficult to decorate and creating a cozy atmosphere can be a little tricky. You have to be able to combine all the element designs seamlessly flowing all throughout the whole room. Every piece of furniture has to fit just right with all the ornaments to be incorporated. But this demanding feat can be accomplished just as long as you plan your time well and come up with a little ingenuity. To help you further along in coming up with creative ideas in designing you bedroom, here are a few suggestions.

The most initial thing you have to do is to plan and keep everything simple with a touch of artistic sense here and there. Just because the room is big, it does not mean you have to fill it up with a lot of furniture and ornaments. Start by picking out a nice bed or a small couch.

Your bed is the most basic thing in the room. Because the room is so large, it does mean you have to position it against the wall. It is preferable for a bed to face a direction where it will not be seen by someone entering the bedroom. You can add a little privacy to it by placing a large dresser with the back of it to the headboard. Placing folding floor screens at the head of the bed is also a good idea. Find side tables that will look well with your bed. Round tables are perfect side tables if you want to deviate from the traditional nightstands.

You can add a little bit of sophistication to your room by hanging up abstract metal wall art. This beautiful decorative piece on your wall will add interest to a space in such a simple way. Change the effect by hanging in a different angle or placing it in the most unusual location. It can be large or small depending on the exact look you want to achieve for your room. You can hang one piece for a simple look or multiple ones for a more inspired result.

To make decorating a whole lot easier, it is recommended you divide the room in three zones. In this way, you can focus on one part in different times. These three zones may be the lounging area, dressing area and most importantly the sleeping area. The bed can be your center point and placed in an area you are most comfortable in. For the lounging are, you can place small comfortable couch or chairs where you can sit and read. Place dressers and mirrors for your dressing area. You can group this furniture together and add a chair that you can sit on while dressing. A good suggestion would be placing a beautifully decorated folding screen to block the view from your dressing area as well as create a stylish accent.

A large room calls for large furniture. A king size bed with double pillow top mattress will fit perfectly with this type of room. Place a sophisticated bench or a large chest at the foot of the bed. If you have a more modern look in mind, placing a cabinet with television at the foot of the bed is an alternative option.

A large room often offers an odd shape. Take advantage of this and create corners with distinctive ideas. Its either you hang up an abstract metal wall art or place a beautiful folding screen, it's really up to you. Experiment with different furniture and let your imagination guide you.

Thoughtfully, Yours ch. 26

hey! hope your week/weekend was splendid! i just had one of those weekends where nothing went wrong, and it was just...good. it was really nice(: please comment and rate! :D It was December. It was cold. It was that time of year where everyone was stressed out, anticipating what the season would bring. That all meaning my brain was fried. I get out of bed, brush through my hair and ignore the buzzing in my head. Wait. Buzzing? door was closed. I plug a finger in my ear and twist it around. Then focus more on the noise. My brother's thoughts. My moms thoughts. Mr. Hendrickson's thoughts? But he's two houses down. I quickly get dressed and open my bedroom door. BAM! Thoughts hit me left and right like rocks. I almost collapse under the pressure. It wasn't just moods or pictures, but complete thoughts. A complete diary read aloud straight into my mind of every person within a mile radius. I run into my brother's room, my hands covering my ears, knowing that won't help. He looks up from his dresser and gives me a strange look. He notices my panicked expression and rushed over to me. His lips move, but I can't distinguish the words it forms from the thoughts in my head. "WHAT?" I scream at him, barely able to hear myself speak. He quickly closes the door and about half of the voices disappears. "What the hell is going on? Are you all right?" He asks, looking seriously freaked. "I dont know. What is going on right now? It's like ten times more powerful than it's ever ...

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Hosting an Open House

Let's face it ... Open days can be a great personal commitment. Can be tedious, difficult and unpleasant way. However, the potential benefits far outweigh the challenges that an open house. Read on to find more useful tips and potential rewards that publicly opening your home, you can gather from potential buyers.

Clean house!

There is nothing more than a house cluttered unattractive, dusty, chaotic. The most important advice ITo give is to present a thorough cleaning of your home before potential buyers. I'm not talking about a sprinkling here and there. I am me talk about a complete overhaul. To start by de-cluttered every room in the house, including areas known to be collecting rubbish as kitchen counters, bedroom dresser and bathroom counters. Remove clutter and open space will be released to house clean and tidy. Even the windows open and remove the air from homepersistent odor. Next deep cleaning carpets and window treatments to give your home a look that "new". Finally, organize closets and storage rooms, as most people see in these areas to ensure sufficient storage space.

Put away valuables

You never know who is on your walk home, and what their intentions are. Play it safe and take it to leave something of value before strangers walking through your house. In addition to being aware of valuablespersonal and / or confidential information such as lurks mail, bills and personal documents. It would be very easy for a dishonest person to steal your identity when there is a hands on personal documents. Therefore, be sure to lock up personal items of value and made their first home.

Be prepared

I recommend you know the value of your home before hosting an open house. People ask, and you need to know. SeekAdvice from a qualified expert and discover the value of homes to have in your environment with an estimated average home. Even the buyers are ready to answer questions. They want to know everything about your home, including questions like: How old is your home? What is the area? How much did you pay taxes? It 's also a good idea to have prepared a flyer to potential buyers that your address, phone number, prices are included, and a picture of yourhome.


Did you know that you are hosting an open house! The easiest way to buy lawn signs advertising accessible and strategically placed in visible, high traffic areas such as intersections, parks and traffic lights. You can also flyers on telephone poles and public advertising. Make sure your signs and flyers, and just big enough to read pop. Also, make sure that all necessary information onYour open house, including date, time, location and phone number.


Most people work or are busy during the week. Obviously not a good idea, an open house on a close Tuesday afternoon. The best time for an open house is Sunday, when most people are not saturated. However, your host open house weekend is not a bad idea. Try demonstrations based next appointment on weekends.


You can take this literally. Buyer is offering as biscuits, coffee and finger food never hurt a person attitude towards you or your company. The aroma of fresh coffee and baked goods, unconsciously, by an appeal to your beautiful home.

Article source: Hosting an Open House

Capri Bedroom Furniture by Abbyson Living at

Upscale 3 Bedroom Villa with cable Internet! A spacious, bright, open, up-scale, beautifully furnished 2100 square foot split level home in the lush, green hills and slopes of a golf course. There are two ground floor bedrooms plus an office/den/sleeping loft, and 2 baths. The community of private two-family residences is quiet and securely gated; all homes are thoughtfully situated, with expansive and unobstructed golf course views. Our home has an oversized grassy yard, with beautiful tropical shrubbery, flowers and trees. This fully carpeted home is furnished with very high quality furniture and appointments, and its atmosphere and details are those of a home, and not of a rental unit. We live here a good share of the time, so it is immaculately kept, and when we share it with a renter, we leave everything in place: the condiments, the food staples, the flashlights, the shampoo, the extra light bulbs, the laundry detergents -- even the baggies and aluminum foil! We are child-friendly, with pool toys, a crib, and children s books and toys. We are located in the Country Homes section of Grenelefe Golf and Tennis Resort in Haines City, Florida, on a quiet cul-de-sac, 25 minutes from Disney and 45 from the Orlando airport. The airport drive is quick and easy, and we can also recommend a car service that charges only $45 to or from the Orlando airport. AMENITIES This is a split-level home with double garage (with remote openers). The entry way has a half bath, and leads down to the bedrooms, and up ...

Friday, May 7, 2010

When You're Gone [chapter13]

[I knew I should tell him what I was feeling. I knew it was the right thing to do, I just couldnt. I shook my head.] S: it was nothing. [We got into his car and headed off to get some lunch. The next day, I was sitting in Julies room on the floor with my back leaning against the wall. I was looking at her across the room sitting on her bed. I sighed and looked to the side.] S: how terrible of a person am I? J: you are not a terrible person. Dealing with a loss is never easy. [My phone started ringing so I pulled it out and answered it, surprised as to who it was. Jonathans mom, Carol. I hadnt really talked to her since it happened.] C: we were picking up some of Jonathans things in his room and we found a few things we thought you might want. S: ohokay. When do you want me to come over? C: anytime is fine. S: alright. Thank you. [I hung up and looked over at Julie as I stood up.] S: I have to go. But thanks for helping me out. J: no problem. [Once into my car and headed towards the house, I started to get nervous. I hadnt been to his house since before he died. When I pulled into the driveway, I saw Jonathans car parked in the grass on the side of the house. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. his mom answered and pulled me into a hug. I lightly smiled and followed her upstairs. She opened his bedroom door and pointed to a box sitting on his bed.] C: anything youd like to have from that box is yours. If youd like anything else, just let me know. Ill leave you ...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

No Fee, 2 Bedroom West 95th, St. Elevator Building, Dogs Are OK

NO BROKER FEE, West 95th, St. Between Westend Avenue & Riverside Drive, large two bedroom, elevator building, separate Windowed kitchen, hardwood floors, good closet space, each bedroom will fit a queen sized bed and dresser with room to spare. Cats & Dogs are OK. The rent is $2200. The apartment will be cleanded & Painted. Please call 347-848-2833.

Bedroom Organization : How to Use a Dresser in a Closet

Watch as a professional organizer -- a former project manager on TLC's "Clean Sweep" -- explains how to use a dresser in a closet in this free online video about home organization. Expert: louisnathan Bio: After serving as the project manager for "Clean Sweep" on TLC, Pete D'Alessandro began working as a professional organizer for his own clients. Filmmaker: Louis Nathan

Avi Buffalo - "I'm So Exclusive"

Avi Buffalo - "I'm So Exclusive" July 6, 2009 Avi and I met up on a fairly overcast Monday afternoon in early July, the kind of day where the marine layer just sits with a certain stillness. I wasn't exactly sure what to expect when I showed up, whether it would be the full band, or just Avi acoustic (all the music and words are his, but it isn't your typical singer-songwriter fare). What I got wasn't really either. It was at his parents' house, nestled somewhere in a quiet and invisible patch of suburban Long Beach. Maybe more unassuming than the home itself was Avi; shaved head, all smiles, wearing a bright blue long sleeve UCLA shirt and torn black jeans. He said he'd thought he might play a few songs with his electric through an amp, and maybe do one acoustic song. I have to admit I was a bit incredulous at how this would work with just him, but that was proven wrong the moment he started. Avi's music has a sort of magnetism to it that keeps pulling you further in. The careful imagery, delivery and intricate musicianship that, even with just his guitar and voice, is layered with such depth that it begs for further listening. Sidebar: Of course the first thing anyone tends to mention when talking about Avi Buffalo is their age. I was completely oblivious of this (that he had literally just graduated high school a week or so before), even when I showed up at his parents' house and he played in the room he grew up in; after all, I know plenty of ...

Cant Hide Beautiful // A Jemi Love Story // Ep. 33 [Abandoned House]

Cant Hide Beautiful // A Jemi Love Story Episode 33. Season 1. [Abandoned House] *Continued from last episode* Demi: So when are we leaving? Joe: We can go now if you want. Demi: *smiles* thats perfectly fine with me. {Demi} Joe and I walked down his stairs. He talked to his mom for a bit and she told him he needed to be home no later than 12. We both agreed and walked out the front door, hand in hand. Joe led me to my backyard and stopped us. "Didnt you say that youve never been in the woods back there" he said, a grin obvious on his face. He had something in mind for tonight, and I think I have an idea of what it might be. A smile started to form on my face just thinking about it. "Yeah." I said. Joe looked off to the path leading deep in the woods, "Well thats where im taking you. I want to watch the sunset with you back there." What I had in mind of us doing was completely shot to hell now considering we where gonna be in the woods. But I always liked adventures and one with Joe seemed even better. I just smiled and we walked to the path. About 15 minutes of walking down this path that felt like it went on for miles we stopped. The path split and one went left and then one went right. "Which way should we go?" He said and turned to me. I smiled and studied each path. The right one looked more interesting to me so I pointed down that path. Not saying a word. He smiled again, grabbed my hand and started walking down the right path. After about another 5 minutes of ...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

How to Store a Mattress

Planning to move to a new house? Moving house is never an easy task, especially when you have heavy bulky items like a mattress to shift. It's important for you to plan properly where and how to store your mattress as a replacement can be both costly and time consuming.

Here a few tips you may find useful on how to store a mattress when you are moving to your new residence.


Due to particles, dust allergens and risk of molds breeding, mattress is best stored in a cool, dry environment. Imagine sleeping on a mattress that is full of minute particles and molds, it easy to get sick and the most certain way to get skin allergies.

Store flat

Make sure you keep the mattress flat when you store them away, instead of pulling up on its end. This is to prevent any unintended effects of the mattress springs. Beside, by storing in such an inappropriate way, the weight can cause undue stress to the side of the mattress, reducing the product lifespan significantly.

Keep it even

Besides storing the mattress flat, you should avoid any weights on the mattress. It could be the case when you are moving house, that you will place boxes of items on top of mattress due to space constraints. Avoid this practice as you may end up with lumpy spots and over a period of time, the spring will be uneven at different spots of the mattress.

Use the mattress

The final tip that you should remember is not to place the mattress in storage mode for too long and to quickly use them for sleeping instead. Trust us; you may be surprised to know that this will certainly minimize potential damage to the mattress.

The importance of storing a mattress properly is often underestimated by many. If you want to avoid ruining your beloved mattress, then you ought to learn how to take better care of them. Knowing how to store a mattress in the right way can save you much agony and provide you a more peaceful sleep at night.

Raising Teens Ch.12 ((S1)) MM PT 2

rated r ish...well yeah the marathon is (: comment and rate on all pleasee!! and fav? ~still crissy pov~ He grabs my leg holding it against his body and resting hand hand on my thigh. I push him away being rough and he grunts annoyed. "Can i kiss you without you being a bitch." "Come get me Kevy." i smile running up the stairs. I know by now he has a smirk on his face. He follows me up the stairs quickly. Once i get to the hallway he has me up against our bedroom door immediately. He presses his lips to my neck sucking hard on my skin. "You- you're go-going to give m-me a hicky!" i gasp trying to find the door know. Just as i turn the door knob he pushes me harder up against the door sending up both flying on the floor. I start laughing. "Whoopssss." he smirks kissing me hard. I take a breath trying to keep up with his now excited attitude. "The.." kiss."Fight.." kiss. "Was."kiss. "Point.." kiss. "Less." big long rough kiss. "I.." kiss. "Know.." he brushes his tongue against my bottom lip and i smile. I roll over pinning him against the floor. His shoulders make a thud as i sit on top of him holding him down. My hans on his chest and his around my waist. "Get those lips down here." he says pulling my face down to his. We go back and forth kissing each other, pulling on each others lips as we do so. I feel myself against the floor again as he pulls on my shirt. I hear the tear of the fabric as he wrips off my shirt. "Hope you didnt want that back.." he says ...

Better Life Pt.5

*I drove down the road, thinking about this girl that I had only met today, I could tell she was going to make this summer be amazing. She was great with Cailey, when we went walking through the town, Cailey didn't want me to carry her, or hold her hand she wanted Selena. I drove up to my house, turning off the truck and getting out, and carrying Cailey into the house. I walked into the house, placing her in her room, she got into her dresser and got out a wash cloth and towel as I walked into her pink bathroom and turned on the tub water, making sure it wasn't to hot before I put the plug in. She smiled as she came in and I undressed her putting her small body in the tub as she grabbed her toys to play with. I sat on the ground with my back against the bathroom wall and my arm resting on the side of the tub as Cailey splashed water everywhere. It was like this everynight, It was these things that made me so blessed to have Cailey. The way she smiled and giggled and talked to her self as she played. I got up on my knees and began to take out her small pink tales, and running the water over her head from a cup. I washed her hair and then her small body, and picked up her towel from the counter, picking her up from the tub and wrapping it on her body as she began to shiver. I held her close to me and put her in her pjs and laid her down on her small toddler bed. She began to close her eyes as i layed next to her.) Nick: I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Avi Buffalo - "Jessica"

Avi Buffalo - "Jessica" July 6, 2009 Avi and I met up on a fairly overcast Monday afternoon in early July, the kind of day where the marine layer just sits with a certain stillness. I wasn't exactly sure what to expect when I showed up, whether it would be the full band, or just Avi acoustic (all the music and words are his, but it isn't your typical singer-songwriter fare). What I got wasn't really either. It was at his parents' house, nestled somewhere in a quiet and invisible patch of suburban Long Beach. Maybe more unassuming than the home itself was Avi; shaved head, all smiles, wearing a bright blue long sleeve UCLA shirt and torn black jeans. He said he'd thought he might play a few songs with his electric through an amp, and maybe do one acoustic song. I have to admit I was a bit incredulous at how this would work with just him, but that was proven wrong the moment he started. Avi's music has a sort of magnetism to it that keeps pulling you further in. The careful imagery, delivery and intricate musicianship that, even with just his guitar and voice, is layered with such depth that it begs for further listening. Sidebar: Of course the first thing anyone tends to mention when talking about Avi Buffalo is their age. I was completely oblivious of this (that he had literally just graduated high school a week or so before), even when I showed up at his parents' house and he played in the room he grew up in; after all, I know plenty of musicians who ...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Cresent Classics Introduction

Richard Tomkins discussed Cresent Classics features with Kim Church

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Diggin' Up Bones -- Randy Travis

I do not own this song, I just like it. simple. and blame for the "verse 1" stuff. LYRICS: Verse 1: Last night I dug your picture out from our old dresser drawer I set it on the table and I talked to it 'til four I read some old love letters right up 'til the break of dawn Yeah I've been sittin' alone diggin' up bones Verse 2: Then I went through the jewelery and I found our wedding rings I put mine on my finger and I gave yours a fling across this lonely bedroom of our recent broken home Yeah tonight I'm sittin' alone diggin' up bones Chorus: I'm diggin' up bones, I'm diggin' up bones Exhuming things thats better left alone I'm resurrecting memories of a love that's dead and gone Yeah tonight I'm sittin' alone diggin' up bones Verse 3: And I went through the closet and I found some things in there Like that pretty neglige that I bought you to wear And I recall how good you looked each time you had it on Yeah tonight I'm sittin' alone diggin' up bones Chorus. I'm resurrecting memories of love that's dead and gone Yeah tonight I'm sittin' alone diggin' up bones Chorus (til end).

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Upper West Side

W75th and Columbus ! South facing 1 bedroom one bath with a terrace. This is a quiet and bright south facing apartment with a terrace. The Living room is a charming space with exposed brick and a fireplace. The bedroom will suit a queen size bedroom with apace for a side table and dresser. Enjoy the best that the Upper West Side has to offer. Close to the trains, great restaurants, Fairway market, shopping, and nightlife. Ask me about other one bedrooms with outdoor space from $2350.00 - $2600.00 **********PHOTOS OF OUTDOOR SPACE TO BE UPLOADED SHORTLY*******