Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Realize, Real Lies, Real Eyes Episode 5

New trailerrr comin soon. I love the idea of it :) I probably post the first episode after Thirteen Reasons is over, which is REALLY soon ): Anyway, enjoy! 10 comments! _______________ I felt safe laying in Joe's arms. He's said he's sorry a million times now. "I don't want you to apologize anymore" I whisper. He looks at me confused. "Joe. I need to tell you something" He deserves to know now. "Go ahead" I sit up and look at him. "Its about, the baby" He looks alarmed suddenly "Is Leighton okay?" "Leighton?" I smile. He blushes "I just thought of it on the way home from the doctors. Its okay if you don't-" "No" I grin "I love it. Leighton Jonas" He smiles back at me "So what did you need to tell me" I look down. How could I tell him after that? "Sel?" My head snaps back up at him. He looks worried, his brow furrowed. "Selena. Tell me" He whispers. I sigh "Its nothing" "Okay..." He says sounding unsure. I lean back on him in the same position as before. I play with my necklace nervously. A locket, Joe gave me years ago. When we were barely eighteen. And when things were so much simpler. He knew something was up. He knew my nervous habits. "Selena tell me. I can't take this" he says in my ear. I let a tear slip out. "Joe I can't" I say softly. "If its that important. You have to. I can help. I just need you to tell me" he says. "Joe. I don't want to hurt you" "Its hurting me more, by not telling me" I blink quickly. "Joe, your not the father" I say, so quietly, I can ...

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