Thursday, May 20, 2010

Meet Me in the Middle - Transitional Furniture

You're not a liberal or a conservative. You like cats and dogs, and have no preference regarding Coca-Cola or Pepsi. You are a middleman without being a middleman. In short, you enjoy things that are agreeably moderate and don't interfere too much with your daily routine. You want spontaneity, but not necessarily the unexpected. As a result, your home is probably neither too traditional nor ultra contemporary. This, my even-tempered friend, is transitional furniture, and if your home isn't full of it, maybe you're leaning too heavily one way or another.

There are those that decorate their homes as though it belongs in another century-specifically, the one with the French Revolution. Curlicues, ornamentation, and baroque are not styles you appreciate in furniture. Then again, you don't much favor the sharp lines and starkness of contemporary furniture either. And you certainly don't own a Colonial style canopy bed or a country home dining table. No, your bedroom furniture is transitional because you want it to be able to blend with everything and anything. You admire the details that are part of traditional furniture, but also approve of the simplicity of contemporary furniture. For you, the choice is not "what goes with this?" so much as "what doesn't go with this?"

Transitional furniture is the perfect blend, since it's not extreme either way. The two things it holds dear are comfort and functionality, which is what you want out of furniture anyway. Metal and glass, contemporary materials, are combined with solid hardwoods in cherry, a more traditional finish. Lush fabrics and modern shapes are upholstered as one. Curves and lines are integrated but they don't look overly formal. However, if it seems like a dining table is too severe, it probably belongs in a more contemporary setting. On the contrary, a dining table with heavily decorated feet and a mahogany finish is probably too traditional for your tastes.

Of course, some transitional people tend to sway a little in one direction or the other. Eclectic style furniture mashes different furniture styles to become your own creation. Colors and textures help keep the look unified, but the actual furniture is different and lacking continuity. The casual style is more conformist, borrowing from contemporary furniture without the formality. It's perfect for families, as the basis for casual means just that: comfort and support minus the decorations.

With transitional furniture, it's about balance. What dimensions are in the middle? Is this coffee table too sumptuous or elaborate? Does this dresser add warmth or does it feel "cold"? The juxtaposition of lines, palettes and décor will energize your home, and without ever having to choose a side. Stay comfortable and easygoing with transitional furniture, right there in the middle.

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