Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Affirmations - Speak Your Truth

Why Do Affirmations Work?

When you state or write an affirmation, you are commanding through words. Affirmations work when properly stated or written because they create a clean mental picture of what you want in your creative mind.

How Do You Create the Best Affirmations for Yourself?

Affirmations must make you feel good when you read or say them. They need to evoke the kind of emotion that you would feel if you had already accomplished the goal. The stronger the emotion the quicker your goal will manifest in your outer world. If you write or say an affirmation for a few days, and it doesn't feel good, change it. Write the new one for a few days and see how it feels. You'll get it right and when you do, you will know it because you will feel good when you write it. Trust yourself.

Let's examine how you can make your affirmation more effective. Which of the following affirmations do you think are good?

1. "I want to be rich."
2. "I want to be independently wealthy."
3. "I am making more than four thousand dollars a month."
4. "I don't want to be fat."
5. "I'm not working in the collections department anymore."
6. "I am going to fit easily into my size 10 pink suit."
7. "I want to make $7500 on each monthly commission check."
8. "I feel so sexy in my luxurious size 5 black velvet pants."

Let's evaluate-
1. "I want to be rich.

NO-it's not a good affirmation. What does rich mean? The word rich is so ambiguous and means so many different things to so many different people that there is nothing definite about it. You'll never get there if this is what you tell yourself because your creative mind, that mind which attracts what you desire to you and creates your destiny, does not know what rich means. What definite or specific dollar amount means rich to you?

2. "I want to be independently wealthy."
NO-This is not a good affirmation. This is a similar problem as in number one. What is independently wealthy? That's about as vague as it can get. To answer that you must decide specifically what definite amount of money or what definite situation would indicate to you that you are independently wealthy? Another little problem with this affirmation is the word 'want'. When you say want, you will always 'want' it and never be attained in the present.

3. "I am making more than four thousand dollars a month."
NO-not good. More than four thousand dollars a month is neither specific nor definite. How much more than four thousand? If you don't know, you'll never get it, because if you don't know, your bull's-eye is blurry. You'll always miss when you don't know exactly what you're aiming at. Decide on a number you really want.

4. "I'm not fat."
NO-Not a good affirmation. Here we have three big problems. First, there is a negative word in this statement? Negative words such as don't, can't, no, and not are not recognized by your creative mind. That means that your goal, "I'm not fat," is being heard by your creative mind as "I'm fat."

And then there is the problem of how skinny? Time to get specific! How about, "I look and feel fabulously slim at my current weight of 130 pounds."

Another problem here is that what you don't want (fat) is being used to state the goal. Why would you want your mind to access the concept of fat, anyway? You want your mind to access slim or skinny. Always focus on what you want-not on what you don't want.

It's like "don't spill the milk." What do you think about - spilling the milk, of course. You could say, "Be careful," and the mind would access being careful.

5. "I'm not working in the collections department anymore."
NO-not a good affirmation. There's a negative word again. What would happen if you used this as a goal? You would work a lifetime in the collections department and never get out. Your creative mind would hear, "I'm working in the collections department," because it would not recognize the negative word not. And how about getting specific about what you want-not what you don't want. "I feel so successful working in the Admissions Department," would be a great way to focus on what you want.

6. "I am going to easily fit into my size 10 pink suit."
NO-not so good. A goal must be stated in the present. I am going to suggests something that will happen in the future but is not happening now and therefore you are programming your goal to always be in the future. Chances of attaining this in the present are slim. A better way to state this would be in the present tense, "I easily fit into my size 10 pink suit" or "I feel fantastic wearing my size 10 pink suit."

7. "My commission check will equal my mortgage payment."

NO-this affirmation did not turn out well for the person who wrote and said it.

Be careful what you ask for. The creative mind is not judgmental and what

You say is what you get! Unfortunately, interest rates went down, she

refinanced her house, her mortgage payment went down and her commission

checks followed! They went down. She got what she asked for!

8. "I feel sexy and voluptuous wearing my luxurious size 5 black velvet pants."
YES! - A great affirmation. 'I feel' is most definitely in the present tense. Always state your goals in the now. "'I am' wearing my sexy black velvet pants," is another way to create affirmations in the present tense.

You want to be so specific that you not only know what it looks like, you MUST know what it feels like. Using appropriate adverbs is a major benefit to create the feeling you desire. You must be able to access the feeling of how it would feel if it were already accomplished. You should know the colors of your definite chief aim-how it sounds, how it smells-and all this will result in an effective affirmation that vibrationally attracts what it affirms.

Let's look at the feeling behind the goal, "I feel so sexy in my size 5 luxurious black velvet pants." In my mind, I see myself in my slim size 5 pants. I see the beautiful luxurious velvet material and how they fit my size five body so perfectly. I can feel the soft luxurious fabric. I can see and feel the black shimmer of the pants. I can hear a daughter say, "Wow, mom, you really look great in those black pants, tonight!" If I want, I can make it more emotional by attaching a smell to it. Maybe I am at a Chinese restaurant in my gorgeous sexy outfit and I smell the Chinese food. Now I can really get into the feeling of what it feels like to be in those sleek velvet pants feeling sexy. Nothing blurry about that! It's a bull's eye I can't miss. (By the way, don't be surprised if I end up in a Chinese restaurant the first time I wear those sexy size five black velvet pants.)

Check Every Affirmation against These

1. Must state what you want-(not what you don't want)
2. Must be specific
3. Must be positive
4. Must be in the present tense
5. Must invoke intense emotion
6. Handwrite your affirmation (Don't print)

Your conscious mind gives orders to your creative mind. Your creative mind does not think-it just takes orders. Your creative mind takes those orders literally so it is vital that you give correct, clear, specific, emotionally poignant orders. Your creative mind knows no boundaries other than the ones you put on it. It just obeys. By including all six steps in your affirmation, your creative mind can go to work and create whatever you have programmed it to create.

Write in manuscript-Do not print

John G. Kappas, Ph.D., explains in his book, SUCCESS IS NOT AN ACCIDENT, that handwriting (manuscript, not printing) is known as a subconscious idiomatic response. He explains that not only are you writing the information, you are also viewing it on paper and changing your inner programming. The information you write goes directly to the brain via the central nervous system. Handwriting bypasses the conscious mind, implanting the ideas you want to use to change your life directly into the subconscious. Whatever you write subconsciously becomes a known fact. You are simultaneously affecting the logic of the left brain and the emotions of the right brain.

When handwriting your affirmations, it is important that numbers and dollar amounts be hand written, rather than in numeric form. Instead of $900.00, you should write out nine hundred dollars.

I remember watching an interview on television with Michael Jackson's siblings. They laughed when they told of how funny Michael was when he was a young boy. He would take bright colored pens and write on the mirror of his bedroom dresser. He would write specific statements, unreal statements about selling millions of records and making millions of dollar - unreal to them, anyway. Not unreal to Michael because obviously he had conceived it, he put it in handwriting, he put it where he could see it constantly, and as it usually happens when you affirm in such a manner continually, it manifest in his world. His siblings are still laughing while he is enjoying the fruits of what he affirmed!

Before Jim Carrey was famous, or even well known, he wrote himself a check for an unbelievable three million dollars. This several million-dollar check was not unbelievable to him, however. He carried this check around in his wallet; looked at it often, feeling the emotion he would feel when he would receive that amount for acting in a future movie. He did this consciously and frequently. It is no surprise that he received the exact amount in a check from a studio for acting in one of his first movies.

There is something that no one else is sharing with you and it's about time it came out! There is no doubt that affirmations are vey powerful; however, if you are not using the Law of Attraction in all three areas of your energy field, you are giving the universe mixed messages and are probably stuck on your road to success.

Here is the SIMPLE SECRET to a lifetime of happiness! You must use the Law of Attraction in all 3 critical areas of your energy field. I call it the WOW factor.

Within you: Putting the Law of Attraction to work in your thoughts, feeling, words, affirmations, and visualizations can make huge changes quickly in your life and your self esteem. When you change the way you think about things, the things you think about change.
On you: When you dress to match your personal energy, you will enjoy increased profits, empowering relationship and feel more energized. Dress so that the colors, fabrics, and clothing you wear has vibrations which match your personal energy.
What's around you: The flow of energy that surrounds you influences you greatly in either achieving your goals or blocking your dreams. You are a living, breathing, energy field and your environment is part of that field.

To make it simple, like attracts like. You can learn to hold the vision and incorporate the habits that allow you to radiate consistent energy from all three areas of your energy field - and the good news is that it is fun. Learning to do this is the most exciting adventure you will ever take.

Affirmations - Do you know how to create the best affirmations for yourself? Are you sure you are not sabotaging yourself by the way you are structuring them? Do you know you must handwrite, not print them? Learn the rules and watch them work!

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