Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Better Life Pt.5

*I drove down the road, thinking about this girl that I had only met today, I could tell she was going to make this summer be amazing. She was great with Cailey, when we went walking through the town, Cailey didn't want me to carry her, or hold her hand she wanted Selena. I drove up to my house, turning off the truck and getting out, and carrying Cailey into the house. I walked into the house, placing her in her room, she got into her dresser and got out a wash cloth and towel as I walked into her pink bathroom and turned on the tub water, making sure it wasn't to hot before I put the plug in. She smiled as she came in and I undressed her putting her small body in the tub as she grabbed her toys to play with. I sat on the ground with my back against the bathroom wall and my arm resting on the side of the tub as Cailey splashed water everywhere. It was like this everynight, It was these things that made me so blessed to have Cailey. The way she smiled and giggled and talked to her self as she played. I got up on my knees and began to take out her small pink tales, and running the water over her head from a cup. I washed her hair and then her small body, and picked up her towel from the counter, picking her up from the tub and wrapping it on her body as she began to shiver. I held her close to me and put her in her pjs and laid her down on her small toddler bed. She began to close her eyes as i layed next to her.) Nick: I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ...

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