Thursday, May 6, 2010

Avi Buffalo - "I'm So Exclusive"

Avi Buffalo - "I'm So Exclusive" July 6, 2009 Avi and I met up on a fairly overcast Monday afternoon in early July, the kind of day where the marine layer just sits with a certain stillness. I wasn't exactly sure what to expect when I showed up, whether it would be the full band, or just Avi acoustic (all the music and words are his, but it isn't your typical singer-songwriter fare). What I got wasn't really either. It was at his parents' house, nestled somewhere in a quiet and invisible patch of suburban Long Beach. Maybe more unassuming than the home itself was Avi; shaved head, all smiles, wearing a bright blue long sleeve UCLA shirt and torn black jeans. He said he'd thought he might play a few songs with his electric through an amp, and maybe do one acoustic song. I have to admit I was a bit incredulous at how this would work with just him, but that was proven wrong the moment he started. Avi's music has a sort of magnetism to it that keeps pulling you further in. The careful imagery, delivery and intricate musicianship that, even with just his guitar and voice, is layered with such depth that it begs for further listening. Sidebar: Of course the first thing anyone tends to mention when talking about Avi Buffalo is their age. I was completely oblivious of this (that he had literally just graduated high school a week or so before), even when I showed up at his parents' house and he played in the room he grew up in; after all, I know plenty of ...

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