Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Behind the smile || Chapter. 6

Behind the Smile || Chapter. 6 -Trina'sPov- I was walking upstairs with Danielle right behind me. We were so stuffed. Wow I haven't ate that much in a long time. "Are you stuffed?" Danielle asked me as we reached my room."Hell yeah." Laughing. We were laying on my bed then the next thing I new was that we were asleep. - Next day- -Danielle'sPov- The summer warm air came threw the crack in Trina's window. I started to breathe heavy. More air started coming in. I woke up breathing hard and tying to clam down. That's good I didn't wake her. Arising from the bed I walked over to the window closing it behind me. The room was clean for once. Wow I guessed by Trina and I being fully dressed that we fell asleep. I heard a knocking on the bedroom door. "Come in?" I watched as her maid came in. "Good-morning Danielle." Mary said as she placed Trina's clothes on her dresser. "Good-morning Mary." I said smiling. She looked over at Trina you was drooling all over her bed. I kicked the end of her bed trying to wake her. Yep it worked. She was sitting straight up looking around the room. "Hey Trina, Good-morning." I said smiling at her. "What time is it? We have to meet Nick and Joe at 3:30." She started moving everywhere looking for a clock. "Chill out Trina. Its only 10:30." I said holding her still. -Nick'sPov- I was woken up by the wonderful smell of eggs. Huh? Who is cooking? I asked myself. I threw the covers off and walked down stairs. To see my mom cooking. "Mom when did you get ...

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