Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cant Hide Beautiful // A Jemi Love Story // Ep. 33 [Abandoned House]

Cant Hide Beautiful // A Jemi Love Story Episode 33. Season 1. [Abandoned House] *Continued from last episode* Demi: So when are we leaving? Joe: We can go now if you want. Demi: *smiles* thats perfectly fine with me. {Demi} Joe and I walked down his stairs. He talked to his mom for a bit and she told him he needed to be home no later than 12. We both agreed and walked out the front door, hand in hand. Joe led me to my backyard and stopped us. "Didnt you say that youve never been in the woods back there" he said, a grin obvious on his face. He had something in mind for tonight, and I think I have an idea of what it might be. A smile started to form on my face just thinking about it. "Yeah." I said. Joe looked off to the path leading deep in the woods, "Well thats where im taking you. I want to watch the sunset with you back there." What I had in mind of us doing was completely shot to hell now considering we where gonna be in the woods. But I always liked adventures and one with Joe seemed even better. I just smiled and we walked to the path. About 15 minutes of walking down this path that felt like it went on for miles we stopped. The path split and one went left and then one went right. "Which way should we go?" He said and turned to me. I smiled and studied each path. The right one looked more interesting to me so I pointed down that path. Not saying a word. He smiled again, grabbed my hand and started walking down the right path. After about another 5 minutes of ...

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