Sunday, April 4, 2010

9.Strangers Love.?

"Why don't you tell me who he is, and I'll tell you how I know you know someone." she looked at me, before standing up. "it doesn't really matter" I stood up and grabbed her hand. "Just tell me who he is?" She ignored me and shook my hand away from her. She kept walking away from me, and then into the bedroom. what the hell was her problem. This was my house. I pushed the door open, and staggered in. She was sitting on the bed. "Wanna know how I know who Ayden is? You dreamt about him. You dreamt about him while in my arms." She looked at me and and then back down. Her hair had been tossed into a ponytail, as her body was carried in another one of my shirts. the room stayed silent. It was drizzling outside, and the rain hit the window lightly. It was the only thing you could hear in the room. "Selena. Answer me. Who the hell is Ayden and why is he so important that you have to dream about him." She shook her head. "He's nobody." "nobody my ass. Selena why can't you tell me?' "I can't. I'm not ready." She said it like it was nothing. I hit the wall. "Not ready to tell me what. that your seeing somebody. If your seeing somebody tell me now. I'll let you be with them, but don't sit here and be the slut you are in my bed." She stood up, her face a little red. "I'm a slut. If I was a slut then you'd think I would enjoy all this crap you put me through. Do you think I would have fought you when you raped me if I was a slut. Your one to talk, all you do is hit on me, like the ...

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