Saturday, April 3, 2010

Can You Feel It? (A jobros Story) [Chapter 8]

Copyright © 2008 lastchance™ Productions As promised, here is the next chapter! CHAPTER 8: "I wasn't gonna say it in front of the guys but I'm pretty mad at you right now." Kelly said looking at Allison. "What? What are you talking about?" Allison asked confused. "You kissed Kevin even though you know I've liked him forever." "First of all I didn't kiss him, he kissed me. Secondly, they're different in person so I didn't know if you still liked Kevin best. And third! You looked pretty cozy with Joe!" "Well like you said, they're different in person, so how was I to know you still were nuts over Joe. It didn't seem that way when you were with Kevin all the time..." Kelly said crossing her arms. "Ugh you're so frustrating!!" Allison said throwing her arms up in the air and storming into the other room. She curled up in a blanket and sat on the couch watching tv. She soon fell asleep. At 10 the next morning she woke up and walked back into her bedroom to find Kelly & Jenn still asleep in her bed. She giggled slightly, and realized the fight between she and Kelly was dumb. She went downstairs to make some breakfast and decided to make chocolate chip pancakes. With the smell of breakfast wafting up from the kitchen, Kelly & Jenn began to stir and eventually wake up. "Pancakes?" Jenn said rolling over to look at Kelly with a smile before jumping out of the bed and racing down the stairs. Kelly was right behind her and Allison turned to look at them as they landed at the bottom ...

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