Tuesday, April 6, 2010

ICSUFFD - Chapter 78 allotment 1 - A Jonas Story

Screwed up on my original post of this and it didn't load. here it is again! I know it's been forever since I posted this but thanks for waiting. Comment Rate, Sub. ;D --------------------------------- Chapter 78- "Huh?" Lisa steps out of her bathroom, a towel draped over her head as she rubs it drying her hair. Kevin breaths a sigh of relief seeing her safe. I takes him a second to notice that shes naked, her body glistening with moisture. He watches as her tosses the towel onto the floor as she steps towards her dresser her back to him. He lets out a tiny gasp as he stares at her toned curves, the sudden sound catches Lisa's attention, she jumps startled and turns around. "Ahhh!!!" she squeals, it takes a couple of seconds for her brain to tell her legs to move as she runs back into the bathroom. Leaving the door open she calls out "What are you doing Here?" He just stands there almost speechless "I...um...I...." He shakes his head trying to make his brain work and says sternly "I could ask you the same thing!" She steps back into the room tying the belt of her pink robe around her as she does, his breath catches as the images return. "I wanted to have a soak and all my stuff is here. I wasn't expecting you to come in and see me naked." She watches as his face turns a shade of pink almost matching her robe. She hears a chuckle coming from the bedroom door behind her. She turns to see Nick and Rob standing in her doorway. "Oh My God!!" she screams pointing at Nick and ...


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