Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tips to Tame a Teenager's Bedroom

A teenager's bedroom can be a scary place in an otherwise lovely, well-organized home. It's a place where the blinds stay tightly closed to keep any trace of sunlight out, a place where loud music and foul odors waft from under the seemingly always closed door with the obligatory "Keep Out" sign prominently displayed. It's a place where a layer of dirty laundry keeps the carpet pristine and where dishes mysteriously vanish like it was some sort of Bermuda Triangle or black hole.

Unless, of course, it's the room of a teenage girl. This is an entirely different animal. Loud music and even louder phone conversations may emanate through the shut door, but the odor wafting from under the door is a perfume-lotion-hair product-nail polish mixture putrid enough to make eyes water from three rooms away. Laundry still lines the floor, but hers is a mixture of dirty and clean, a dresser and laundry basket all in one.

The previous descriptions are very over dramatized, obviously, but there's a good chance that if there's a teenager living under your roof, his or her room is probably the most disheveled and may exhibit varying degrees of the aforementioned traits. If they are worse than described above, call in a hazmat team, if not, perhaps some new teen-friendly bedroom furniture can do the trick.

Organization is key for any room, but is especially important for a teen's bedroom. Add shelf and storage space with a new bed featuring under bunk drawers and a handy bookcase headboard, ideal for everything from schoolbooks to random knick-knacks. A tall 5-drawer chest or a 6-drawer dresser with mirror should help them remember what color the carpet is, while a compact student desk is a great option for organizing school stuff and providing a place to study. Other unique options include media cabinets, storage lockers, and wardrobes, all designed to keep junk and clutter off the floor and into some sort of assigned area.

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