Sunday, April 11, 2010

Fast forward to Friday - Cover Anberlin - Breaking!

Check it out! remember that the theater lines in order to play the role of the girl's heart good to close within entangled networks who has reason to lead, that makes me want to hurt me, as Wen seem to forget that he has forgotten long time ago Do you still feel it calling in the Air Tonight Do you still feel it seems to have this before you break the hearts look so easy as it seems to have done this before you have all but break your heart down, and you havefact, you did that before you steal the hearts look so easy Where is the girl that I adore, you need to break up all but down and I can not love a thief, you collect the souls you've lost the top of the dresser Count the number of tears on lonely bedroom floors, a machine where your heart is slowly moved once you place now contain only the memories of love I thought I know you still feel him calling in the air that you are today still this seemslike this before you break my heart seems to have to do to look as simple as you did before, all hearts to break, but down and you've done this, you've done this before stealing hearts look so easy Where is the girl that I love must break all but down and I can not love a thief, you heart breaks so easily appear as all hearts must break, but break your heart do you look so easy seems that you did before you already broke my heart...

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