Saturday, April 3, 2010

Here Goes Nothing .Chapter 5.

Kylies pov I screamed again. The pain was too antagonizing. Someone had stopped at the front of the alley again. 'Shit,' I thought to myself. 'She came back. She is going to kill me.' The person ran down the alley and knelt down next to me. It was Nick. "What are you doing on the ground? We have been looking for you for the last thirty minutes." He obviously couldn't tell I had been stabbed. I started coughing uncontrollably and after hacking for a few minutes, blood started spewing out of my mouth. He put his hand on my stomach and his hand became drenched in blood. "Oh shit. Oh shit. Shit, shit, shit. I have to get you to a hospital." "NO!" It hurt to speak. "My house. Now." He picked me up and jogged over to my house, making sure not to drop me. He opened the door and there was my mother crying her eyes out on the couch. She jumped up when she saw me and came running over. "Oh my baby. I was so worried about you. Are you alright?" "Mommy." I pleaded to her. I swallowed and could taste the blood trickle down my throat. "Oh my Lord. What has happened?" She asked me. "Ava. Pain. Meds. NOW!" I screamed the last part to her. Nick carried me up to my room and laid me on the floor. He carefully took my shirt off and cleaned my new wound. My mother came and gave me my pain medication. After wrapping my torso so tight I could barely breathe, Nick picked me up and put me on my bed. "Oh thank you Nicholas. Here. Come with me. I'll find you a new shirt." The two left and Nick came ...

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