Sunday, April 25, 2010

I'm Not Saying Goodbye. [Chapter 18]

Hey I figure on Facebook? 18th Chapter * Nick's POV I had not realized how bad it seemed. Had tampons in the nose and tried to stop a bloody nose, and then there was me. My hair was crazy sex, a boner and a half, and I was in my boxers. Our mother stood there, shocked. I cleared my throat and smiled. I tried to hide behind the bench, but failed. Nicole took the bar and floor. I stayed behind Herm try to hide my body, but did not work. "Nick ..."My mother said, her eyes kind of wide. "Hey mom..." I scratched the back of my head. "What the hell is going on?! Those don't belong their, Nicole!" Her mother said. Nicole sighed. "Sorry mom." She sighed. "Were you two having sex?!" My mother exclaimed. My eyes almost popped out of my head. "About to." Nicole smiled. Was she insane? "What happened?" Her mother asked, examining her nose. "Nick and I were play fighting." She smiled. "Nick! You're bigger than her!" My mother scolded. I blushed and let a nervous laugh escape my lips. It must have seemed like I beat her. She had a black eye and a fractured nose. I seemed like a shitty boyfriend. I seemed like an abusive boyfriend. "Go put clothes on." Nicole turned around. She smiled at me and patted my chest. "W-will do." I stuttered. I jetted past my mother, and upstairs. Jack and Alex were sitting on my bed, an eye brow raised on each of them. "Dude..." Jack trailed off. "Don't even." I groaned. I pulled on blue jeans, buttoning ...

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