Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Shattered Glass () continue ep 2

There's nothing to do on Sunday's. My sister is supposed to be coming home today though. So I'm just chillin' at the computer eating salad. :P Nick's POV It's been a week since Joe and I last talked. By phone of course. His parents have these crazy strict rules that he told me about and "No Visitors" is a top one. I'd hate to be where he is, but he said that him and his sister have reconnected, which is great. I sometimes wish I had a sibling, then I remember my mother would never let that happen. She didn't even want to have me. Not being with her is what makes me happy to be living with my father and his new wife. They're not home a lot and I like that. I like being alone, it lets me gather my thoughts. Pull up good and lock away bad. They're gone right now and I was lying in my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I remember when I first go here... FLASHBACK This neighbourhood is very different from what I'm used to, everything is so clean cut,the grass a rich green, the houses all lined up perfectly. We pulled into the driveway of a large studio house. "And here we are." My Dad said, putting the car in park. I got to tell you, I'm actually really nervous. I've been here before, but now I was going to be living here. For two months only, though. I still believe that Joe is going to come and we're going to leave all of this behind. I miss him already and it's only been a few hours since we both left Aspen Springs. "Why don't we go in and chat a bit?" I really don't feel As ...


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